The chair of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines

Jalilov Fazliddin Sodiqovich

Academic degree and title:

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor


Head of department

Time of receipt:

Everyday (14:00-16:00)


(0 371) 256-14-89


History of the department

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 5, 2018 “On Additional Measures to Increase the Quality of Education in Higher Education Institutions and Ensure Active Participation of the Country’s Extensive Reforms” -3775, carrying out the theoretical, scientifically-methodical and professional level of the subjects of the curriculum according to the state educational standards, ensuring the quality of education. In order to increase the effectiveness of scientific research works, based on the Rector’s order in the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, in the “Department of Industrial Pharmacy” has been created new “Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines”  in July 21, 2018 №533.

The widespread development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry in the production of competitive quality products at the GMP level leads to the urgent needs to raise the level of education in the direction of standardization, quality control, validation and certification of pharmaceutical products.

Employees constantly improve their level and participate in seminars and conferences Internationally, Man and Republican (national) levels. International conferences are held annually on the Integration of Education and Production. Above the order of the rector appointed Head of the Department of PhD. Associate of Professor F.S. Jalilov. .

 Professor, Ph.D., Dr. Professor Tillaeva G.U. is the leading figure and takes the main part in the department; associate of professors (M.B. Mavlyanova, D. Gaibnazarova, IMIminova), senior lecturer (PhD) and 6 assistants started their work. As well as the exterior of the department, the leading specialists of the department are professors- Professor A.O. Tulyaganov and Associate  of professor A. Dosmatov. The Aim of the department’s  professor-teaching staff is bringing students high quality knowledge and skills, high-tech and non-essential medicines.

Information about the head of department

Jalilov Fazliddin Sodiqovich graduated from Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 2004. Diploma specialty is “pharmacist.” He has more than 170 publications in co-authorship, including 1 monograph, 6 guidelines, 1 informative letter, 15 teaching-guides, 30 scientific articles, more than 115 material and thesis. International Toxicology Toxicology (TIAFT) from 2009, Therapeutic Monitoring of Hemorrhoids and Clinical Toxicologies by 2015 and Member of International Engineers Association from 2016. In order to implement the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 24, 2015 № 32 “On the best pedagogue of the higher education institution”, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the nomination “The best teacher in the field of innovation and information technology” at the institute on healthcare in the competition, which was held on February 27, 2015 by the order # 71 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, He also took the 1st place.

By the decision of the Republican Council of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republican Council of Trade Union of Health Workers of Uzbekistan on the basis of the competition “The most active young specialist of the year” organized by the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan in 2016 “The most active young doctor” competition was awarded with the diploma in the nomination “The young Chemist scientist in the field of healthcare”.

Jalilov Fazliddin Sadykovich is a member of Central Asia’s Regional Committee for Therapeutic Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology of Herbal Medicine, and Zulfikariyeva D. and Rakhimova G. F.S. Jalilov took part in the competition announced by this organization in 2017 and won the international grant and took part in the 15th international congress held on 24-28 September in Kyoto, Japan.


JalilovFazliddinSadikovich is a member of the International Engineers Association since 2016.

Under Jalilov’s leadership, about 20 students participated in various competitions, projects and Olympiads. Scientific and pedagogical internship – 13 years.

The achievements of the department

Nowadays the chair has 2 professors, doctors of sciences, 3 assistant professors, 1 doctors of sciences, 1 senior lecturer, 6 assistants in the training of highly qualified specialists with competitiveness of independent country of our independent country. Educational programs, complexes, texts of lectures are improved on the basis of modern requirements.

At the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, professor-lecturers of the department are active in the scientific seminar on “GMP rules and registration of medicines” with the participation of leading expert of the Moscow State Medical University, Moscow State Medical University, Associate Professor Andrei Petrovich Meshkovsky from July 23 to July 28, participated in the event.

Participation in the scientific seminar on “GMP rules and registration of medicines” with participation of Meshkovsky.



A number of professors and teachers of the department have been able to improve their scientific and pedagogical skills in many countries of the world, including Russia (IMSechenov Moscow State Medical University), Ukraine (South Kazakhstan Medical Academy) Italy, Japan, India (the National Pharmaceutical Institute (NIPER, Punjab)) and their knowledge in improving the teaching process.

A number of professors and teachers of the department have been able to improve their scientific and pedagogical skills in many countries of the world, including Russia (IMSechenov Moscow State Medical University), Ukraine (South Kazakhstan Medical Academy) Italy, Japan, India (the National Pharmaceutical Institute (NIPER, Punjab)) and their knowledge in improving the teaching process.


The majority of scientific researches are carried out in cooperation with the leading scientific centers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, Center of high technologies, Institute of chemistry of plants of Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of bioorganic chemistry named after Sodikov O.S, the chemical pharmaceutical scientific and research institute of Uzbekistan, The State Center for the examination of medicines, medical products and medical technology, “the Scientific Center for Standardization of Medicines, the Main Bureau for forensic medical examination of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Nowadays, the branch of the department is functioning at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after O.Sodiqov. This branch provides students with modern methods of analysis of drugs.

The results of the scientific researches carried out by professors and teachers of the department are published in national and international journals and scientifically-practical conferences.

The department great attention is paid to the training of young scientific pedagogues, and all the conditions for their research are created.Associate professors F.S. Jalilov senior teacher K.N. Nurudullayev’s doctoral dissertations, assistants G.R.Zokirova, Ch.T. They are working on PhD dissertations.

Professors and teachers of the department are closely interacting with the students and choose the most talented students and conduct research in the appropriate direction of the department. The students are annually interviewed at the traditional and international scientific conferences on the results of their research at the Institute. There is a circle called “Young Quality Manager”.

The team of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines (2018)

Professors and teachers of the department are actively involved in the public and spiritual activities of the Institute, including the Academic Council of the Institute, the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy, the Central Methodological Board and the Institute of Problems of the Institute, the Doctor of Sciences degree. 2013.Far.21.01 and a scientific seminar under the auspices of the Tashkent Scientific Institute of Pharmacy, 16.07.2013. Far.21.01. members of the Scientific Research Institute at the Digital Scientific Council.

Employees of the department are actively involved in the development of international relations. In particular, for the purpose of exchange of experience in August 6-8, 2018, the head of the department F.S. Jalilov and senior investigator KN Nurudullayeva participated in the training course on the topic “Vnedreniye i trebovaniyastandart GDP” in the South Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Association. Also, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and the South Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Association participated in the signing of agreements on education and science.

Nowadays, the department has qualified and experienced scientific and pedagogical staff, talented and trained young specialists and doctors, modern educational and scientific base, deep and rich historical and spiritual traditions, which The curriculum, the complex, the texts of lectures are made on the basis of modern requirements and are regularly updated with the latest trends.

Detailed information about the staff of the department

Tillayeva Gulnora Urunbayevna

Academic degree and title:

Doctor of technical sciences, professor


Reception hours: Everyday (14: 00-16: 00)



1973-1978y. – A student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 1978-1986y. – Senior Laboratory of Experimental Technology Laboratory at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Tashkent. 1986-1988 y. – A scientific researcher of the experimental technological laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry,.1988-1990 y. – Senior researcher at the experimental technological laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry,.1990-1995y. – Assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.1995-1997y. – Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.1997-1998y. – Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.


1998-2000y. – Deputy Chairman of the Medical Technology Committee of Medical Devices of  SCV DV and TTSNQ.1999y.-h.v. – Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

2000-2001y. Medical Technical Committee of Medical Devices of SCV DV and TTSNQ and others.

Chairman of the Medical Technical Committee.2004-2011y-SCI Member States “Drugs Standardization, Membership and Quality Assurance, Certification, IMN and MT, Deputy Commissioner.

2001-2016y- Head of medical technician of the Main Directorate of SCV DV and TTSNQ2016- 2018y – Professor of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry,  Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2018 n.d  – Position of the professor of the department of standardization and quality management of medicines


One of the respected members of the International Fideration of Pharmaceutical (FIP), a member of the Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists of the United States, since 2004, Deputy Head of the Commission on Standardization, Registration and Quality of Medicines, Certification, IMN and MTD. The Honorary Doctor of the Republic of Uzbekistan “, and also the particular participant in international conferences and seminarsd



Dusmatov Aziz Fayzamatovich

Academic degree and title: Docent

Position: Associate Professor

Tel: (0 371) 256-14-89



1973-1978. – Student of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute 1978-1986. – Senior Laboratory assistant, Laboratory of Experimental Technology of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the RUz. 1986-1988 – Junior Researcher of the Experimental Technological Laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the RUz. 1988-1990 – Senior Researcher of the Experimental Technological Laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the RUz. 1990-1995 – Assistant of the Department of “Chemical Chemistry” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 1995-1997. – Associate Professor of the Department of “Chemical Chemistry” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 1997-1998. – Associate Professor of the Department of “Chemical Chemistry” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute 1998-2000. – Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Medical Equipment of Medical Equipment of the SCV DV and PTSD General Administration. 1999- present time – Professor of the Department of “Famous Chemistry” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2000-2001 – Committee on Medical Technology of Medical Equipment of SCV DV and PTSD. chairman.2001-2016 – Chairman of the Committee for Medical Equipment of Medical Equipment of the General Administration of SCV DV and PTSD.2016- 2018 – Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2018 yr. – Professor of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Drugs.


Mavlyanova Muslima Burxanovna

 Academic degree and title: Docent

Position: Associate Professor

Tel:(0 371) 256-14-89



1972-1973y. Laboratory of Biochemical Laboratory of Tashkent Institute of Physicians Retraining.1973-1976yPostgraduate student of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacy Moscow,1976-199yAssistant of Pharmacy Chemistry Department of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.1991-2018yAssociate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2018 y x.v. – Docent of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines


Gaibnazarova Dilfuza Taxirovna

 Academic degree and title: Docent

Position: Associate Professor

Tel:(0 371) 256-14-89



1992-1996 y. – Post graduate student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute “Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department..1996-2002 y. – Assistant of the Department of Famous Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2002-2005 y. – Senior lecturer at the Department of Famous Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute2005-2018 yy – Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2018 yx.v.  Docent of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines


Iminova Inoyatxon Miliyevna

 Academic degree and title: Docent

Position: Associate Professor

Tel🙁0 371) 256-14-89


1987-yilda Graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the Pharmacist. 1987-1988 yy. – Prophylactic medication of 6th district pharmacy of Central district of Jalal-abad district of Andijan region.1989-1994 yy. – Senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.1994-2002 yy. – Assistant of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2002-2011 yy. – Senior lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2011-2012 yy. – Acting assistant professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2012 – 2018 yy – Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.2018 yx.v. – Docent of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines.


Zokirova Gulruh Rahmatillayevna 

Assistant of chair

Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35


Nationality is Uzbek. In 2010 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Diploma in specialty “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy”. She has 4 published works, including 1 international scientific article, 1 scientific article, 2 theses. Scientific and pedagogical experience – 4 years. From 2018, the International Court of Toxicology (TIAFT) and a member of the Association of Therapeutic Monitoring and Clinical Toxicological Drugs. 2018 y.h.v. – Assistant of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Drugs.


Vaxidova Nargiza Muxiddinqizi

Assistant of chair

Tel(0 371) 256-23-35


2010-2011 – Laboratory assistant of the department of pharmaceutical business,

2011-2016 – Tashkent Pharmacy Institute, 2016-2018 – Tashkent Pharmacy Institute, Master’s degree student, 2018 y.h. – Assistant of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Drugs.

Head of Laboratory Maxmudova R., laboratory assistants Ruzieva K.M and MakhmudovaSh.M. Head of laboratory Maxmudova R., laboratory assistants Ruzieva KM and MakhmudovaSh.M.


Toshtemirova Charos Toshtemirovna

Assistant of chair

Tel:(0 371) 256-23-35




2006-2011y. -A student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, 2013-2014y -Inspector of educational department of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute,2013-2015y-Designer of the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy, 2014-2016y–Master student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute,2017-2018y-The Tashkent pharmaceutical institute is a research engineer and scientific-pedagogical cadre engineer, 2018 yx.v. – She is an assistant of the department of standardization and quality management of medicines.


Bekchanov Bekzod Saliyjanovich.

Assistant of chair

Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35



In 2016 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Specialty “Diploma” – Pharmacy2016-2018y – Master student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute,Graduated “Technology of Drugs and Medicines”.2018-He is currently working at the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines.

In addition, 4 scientific articles have been published in thesis and several scientific articles in the development of science and work programs on the validation of the production of medicines. He contributed to the development of the textbook “Standardization and Certification” published by F.S Jalilov and G.U.Tillayeva.

September 11, 2019 in ChinaSuccessfully completed the research internship organized by the National Research Institute of the China Food and Fermentation Industry Corporation


Ramazonova Kamola Ramazon qizi


Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35




In 2016 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Specialty “Diploma” – Pharmacy 2018 – Graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in “Technology of Drugs and Medicines “. 2018 she is currently working at the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines.


Madaminova Malika Komiljonqizi

Assistant of chair

Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35

Tugilgankuni: 1992 yil.



Graduated from Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 2010-2014. In 2018 she graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with a degree in “Technology of Drugs and Medicine”. Nowadays she is the assistant of the “Department of Standardization and Quality Management of  Medicines”.


Mustafaev Ummatjon G`ayrat o`g`li

Assistant of chair

Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35

Date of birth: 1992 yil.



In 2016 she graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Diploma specialty Pharmacy has graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 2018 with a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy. Currently, the department of standardization and quality management of drugs is working as an assistant.


Sharofutdinova Dilobobar Toshtemirovna

Assistant of chair

Tel: (0 371) 256-23-35

Date of birth: 1967-yil



1984-1989 гг. – студент Ташкентского фармацевтического института 1990-1995 гг. – центральная аптека г.Чуст, Наманганская область 1995-2002 гг. – Начальник аптеки № 48 в Чусте 2002–2019 гг. – Чустский медицинский колледж, старший преподаватель кафедры основ фармакологии и рецептурных препаратов, а также латинского языка и медицинской терминологии. 2019 – доктор философии Ассистент кафедры стандартизации и управления качеством лекарственных средств Ташкентского фармацевтического института


Our self-employed labarians at the department

Maxmudova Risolat Bahadirovna.

Miraxmedova Aziza Abdurahmonovna.

Yuldasheva Maxfuza Tolibjon qizi.

Abulqosimova Feruza Nuriddin qizi.

Information on educational-methodical activity of the department.Educational work at the department

At the department are: Metrology, Standardization and Product Quality Management (pharmaceuticals) Pharmacy (pharmacy), Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Analysis), Vocational Education (Pharmaceutical Business), Industrial Pharmacy, Biotechnology (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) “Introduction to Specialty”, “Validation of Drug Production”, “Certification and Standardization”, “Quality of Drugs”, “GPP Fundamentals”, “Modern Analysis of Drugs” , “Methods of instrumental analysis of biotechnological drugs”, “Pharmaceutical chemistry and Pharmacognosy”, “Controlling the quality of medicines” and “Good Manufacturing Practice” Confirmed on the chair The subjects of magistracy dissertation are formed on the basis of the orders of the direct manufacturers and their problems, and on the basis of the relevant documents it is necessary to date to date as long as it is successfully protected

Bachelor degree

  • Introduction to specialist,
  • Validation of the medicinal product,
  • Certification and standardization,
  • Ensuring quality of medicines,
  • Modern methods of analysis of medicine,
  • GXP basics,
  • Instrumental analysis of biotechnological medicines Master’s degree
  • Ensuring quality of medicines,
  • Good manufacturing practice


Today, all of the above science and work programs, curricula, teaching materials, and learning modules (e) have been reviewed and approved on time, and are widely used is used. The rooms of the department were equipped with instrumental equipment, TVs, computers and latest laboratory equipment on the basis of modern requirements..Lecture and laboratory classes are based on presentations using modern teaching methods, pedagogical and information and communication technologies as well as multimedia educational resources. The wide-ranging work on the development of new generation of textbooks is underway and is being improved, including the following textbooks: “Methods of analysis of modern methods of drugs,” “Sovremennyeperspektivkontrollyakachestvalekarstvennykh” and “Validation of drug production”, ” textbooks and manuals

At the department there are lectures and laboratory  sessions on the following plans

  About scientific work of the department.

The scientific potential of the teaching staff of the department is 50%.

In the 2018-2019 academic year 16 professors and teachers work in the department. Among them 2 professors (doctors of sciences), 5 associate professors (1 doctors of science, 4 candidates of sciences), 1 senior lecturer (PhD), 8 assistants

Professors and lecturers of the department are actively involved in various scientific and technical projects, state grants and business contracts.

The department has carried out research on practical scientific and technical and innovative projects:

 Associate Professor FSJalilov at the Higher Military Customs Institute The State Grant under the State Scientific and Technical Programs “Research on toxicological and immunological markers for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids -” spes and antidepressants “, fundamental research by BV-MF-7-001 He participated in the research team from 03.01.2017 to 31.12.2018. (Excerpt from Order # 35 dated 03.05.2017).

– IP 7294 “Development of effective herbal medicines” (project manager, Ph.D. Dusmatov A.F.)

I-SS-2017-6-25 “Innovative project on the development of production of biologically active supplements with hypoglycemic and general supplements on the basis of local inulin reducing raw materials” (participant KN Nuridullayeva)

Teachers of the department are currently working on the dissertation for the doctoral thesis and PhD dissertations, including:

Jalilov FS Dissertation of the doctor of medical sciences on the theme: “Chemical, toxicological and biopharmaceutical properties of antidepressant drugs and modifications of drugs” on the theme 02.00.09 and 15.00.02 with B2017.2.DSc / K32 at Higher School of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan registered in the Attestation Commission.– There are 3 citations for 3 scientific works published by the Po’s Department.

– In total, 26 scientific works were published in 2018. Among them: 1 article and 3 abstracts, 5 articles in local journals and 17 theses.

Deportment of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicine Scientific Articles published by the staff of the department at the international level

 Cultural and educational activities at the department of standardization and quality management of medicines.

On the basis of the cultural and educationalactivities plan of the Institute, the spiritual-educational and educational work plans of the department were developed. Teachers taught report on spiritual education in 3 different directions, ie report on spiritual education, carried out at the department, on the basis of the mentor’s plan and at the student dormitory is issued.

The Ministry of Higher Education has introduced the rules of ethics developed for students of all higher education institutions by introducing group students in academic groups and group trainers, timely attendance of students in classes, improving daily learning, Obedience, compiling the group journal and introducing the process of self-actualization on a timely basis, and compiling information about the students in the group journal. “The honor and responsibility of the teacher” was discussed and the lecture was read out. The students were taught not to miss classes, but to have a good knowledge of the subject at the time. They also talked about the culture of dressing in the institute.

The teachers of the department

Surname, name and patronymic of teachers Department Position Group
1 Mustafayev Ummatjon G`ayrat o`g`li DS and QMM Assistent MS 101A-101B
2 Bekchanov Bekzod Salijanovich DS and QMM Assistent SF301A-301B
3 Zokirova Gulrux Raxmatillayevna DS and QMM Assistent SF204A-204B
4 Temirova Charos Toshtemirovna DS and QMM Assistent SF205A-205B
5 VaxidovaNargizaMuxiddinqizi DS and QMM Assistent BIO 201A-201V
6 Madaminova Malika Komiljon qizi DS and QMM Assistent MS202A-202B
7 Sharofutdinovna Dilobar Тoshtemirovna DS and QMM Assistent SF 208A-208B



An interview was held on a high level and wide-scale celebration of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A video on the theme “My beautiful Motherland, my dear life, my dear Uzbekistan”, dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the memory of theFirst President of the Republic of Uzb Islam Karimov, took place at theroundtable was done.

Information on the work with students living in private households: the list of students and residence habits. Increased cooperation with neighborhood community assemblies, paramilitary inspectors in organizing this work.

Organization of visits of professors and students to cultural facilities (theater, museum, artistic and art exhibitions etc.).

All students became members of AlisherNavoi national library and presented their dean’s staff.

Students are acquainted with the materials of the information hour. Active participation in the days of spirituality.

At the institute together with members of the department and members of the “Youth Union” was held an event titled “We are ancestors of ancestors”. The event featured Amir Temur’s life, his work on the throne, and his children’s saga.


Regular meetings were held on a regular basis. At the students’ residence and at the institute, the students are encouraged to adhere to the essence of Uzbek moral values, such as shame, desires, chastity, promoting their behavior, dress andgrooming, in various subjects, such as the dialogue on the prevention ofspreading of “culture” among students.


At the department, the conveniences, materials, Brief information on ICT tools.

At the department there are slopes for the educational process and there is a separate educational-methodical complex for each subject, where teachers of the department are using the lessons successfully. more material in practice, as well as use of science-related preintention and dissemination material during lectures. There are 5 computers, 2 television sets and 2 printers in the department.



Business agreement in the field of standardization and quality management of medicine

Customer name of organization Production or service yo‘nalishi (maxsulotnomi, ixtisoslashuvivax.k.) Expected result from the solution of the problem Innovative group Sciencerahbari Durationofexecution
1. “GOLD RAY PHARMACEUTICALS” MChJ Study the dermotoxicity properties of localized Valgus Pro legs The innovative product is designed to save money through the costuming program, and to produce cheap, harmless splits for patients with dyspnoea. Preparation of scientific articles and patent obtaining as a result of scientific work

F.S. Jalilov

2018-2019 y

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