Educational personnel training

In order to increase the efficiency of training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, develop long-term plans based on the existing capabilities of the institute, analyze dissertation topics, increase the effectiveness of the institute of senior scientific researchers and applicants, conduct work on the industrial implementation of the results of scientific and technical programs and introduce them in the competition of innovative works – the main areas of the scientific department of the institute.

In order to implement the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan UP-4456 “On further improvement of the system of training and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification” dated July 24, 2012 and UP-4458 “On amendments to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 24, 2012 of year No. UP-4456 “On further improvement of the system of training and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification” dated 07/27/2012 a number of works were done at the institute. The system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel at the institute has been transformed based on the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 304 “Regulation on postgraduate education”. An institute of senior researchers of researchers and free applicants has been formed, and employees of the scientific department constantly monitor the effectiveness of these institutions.

According to the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 01.26.2018 No. 249/2-acting specialized council at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was reorganized in 06.27.2017 Far 32.01 and the defense of doctoral dissertations in the following specialties is allowed:

15.00.01 – drug technology15.00.02 – pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy15.00.03 – organization of pharmaceutical business14.00.17 – pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

In 2020, 306 faculty members work in 18 departments of the institute. Of these, 45 are doctors of sciences and professors, and 110 are candidates of sciences and associate professors. The scientific potential of the institute is 49%.

The institute’s departments have a sufficient scientific and experimental base for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel. They are fully provided with instruments and equipment, chemical reagents, experimental animals, vivarium and information technology. For scientists there is a Scientific Center for the Standardization of Medicines, equipped with the most modern equipment for publishing scientific articles based on the results of the research work “Pharmaceutical Journal”, a training center and an English language learning club.Now the Institute has 20 senior research associates and 30 independent researchers. Institute staff defended 5 doctoral dissertations.

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