Rector’s greeting

Dear colleagues and future pharmacists!

Thanks to the independence in our country it is paid enormous attention to the development of science and training highly skilled specialists. Training of good specialists recognized in many developed countries in our country at modern stage of development based on the National program of training specialists, made a huge step forward.

Nowadays in our country pharmaceutical sector is being developed very fast. Every year the institute trains and graduates more than 300 highly skilled specialists in national economy. There are 2 faculties on 6 specialties which train specialists for pharmaceutical sector.

Tashkent pharmaceutical institute – is a modern highly educational institution, which trains highly skilled specialists based on high scientific potential of faculty with strong international collaboration.

Lately the external appearance of the institute has changed. It became better and more comfortable. Auditoriums are equipped with modern apparatus and information-communication technologies.  Friendly and scientific-practical relations are being settled with higher educational institutions of Europe and Asia, particularly with such countries as Ukraine, Germany and South Korea.

People’s health depends not only on a good doctor but a good pharmacist. Creation of new preparations on the base of medicinal plants is a very topical task. We are working in this direction and we are in innovation development. When solving this problem we need young and talented specialists.


The rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Doctor of Medical Sciences


04.08.2020, 10:25 31981