About Institute



The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was founded on July 16, 1937 according to the order of the Republic of Uzbekistan National Commissariat of Public Health Services № 155. This event gave the basis for training specialists on pharmacy not only in Uzbekistan but in some Central Asian republics. The program for forming the structure of higher pharmaceutical education and training pharmacists has been created.

From 1937 the duties of directors were carried out by Shurpe E.Y., Arkhangelsky P.F., Valinsky A.S. and in 1938 Nedrit P.A. became the director. Then till 2001 the duties of rectors were carried out by Tagirov K.H., professor Sohiboyev D.S., academician Turakulov Y.H., professors Rakhimov H.R., Azizov M.A., Kholmatov Kh.Kh., Zakirov U.B., Tashmukhamedov E.R. and academician Iskandarov S.I., professors Yunuskhodjayev A.N., Djalilov X.K., Alimdjanov I.I., Doctor of Medical Sciences K.S.Rizaev.

The historical event for the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was the gaining independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Institute together with stage-by-stage reforms spent in the Republic creatively works on carrying out the National Program on personnel training, renewal of material-technical basis and performing educational-methodical, scientific, spiritual-enlightenment work, working out the educational plans, standards and programs. During this period of time there have been founded industrial pharmacy faculty, pharmacists’ improving qualification faculty and also the new directions of professional education such as biotechnology, clinical pharmacy and cosmetic pharmacy were opened.

For the years of its existence the institute has become not only the centre of pharmaceutical education but the centre of science. Nowadays together with gradually realization of the new pharmaceutical educational concept there has been conducting the purposeful researches on the Republic of Uzbekistan urgent medicinal politics problems. The Scientific Centre on medicinal preparations standardization equipped with up-to-date apparatus has been organized in the Institute. The main directions of the centre are: the remedies quality control, their standardization, studying specific pharmacological properties, conducting before-clinical researches, working out the normative-technical documentation for remedies registration on the territory of Uzbekistan. For the short period of time about 10 preparations have been instilled into production.

The Institute successfully conducts scientific-pedagogical staff training. This training is realized by means of postgraduate and doctoral studies. The Specialized Council on the master’s theses and the theses for a doctor’s degree protecting has been created.

From 1992 the special journal “Chemistry and Pharmacy” has been regularly publishing. It became the mirror of pharmaceutical science and practice in our republic. Nowadays the journal has a new name “Pharmaceutical Journal”. The website www.farjur.uz of the magazine was created.

The Institute collaborates with WHO European department in the special project for Central Asian countries on pharmaceutical education reforming, as well as with higher educational institutions and organizations of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Pakistan, India and China.

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