Research scientific work

The main directions of research activities in Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute correspond to the prior lines of pharmaceutical industry development and are concerned with the following scientific problems solving:

  1. Creation of medicines on the basis of local herbs and medicinal plants and introducing them into practice.
  2. Development of new advanced technologies for generic medicines creating.
  3. Improvement of pharmaceutical and toxicological analyses methods.
  4. The marketing and economic analyses of the medicines and medical equipment registered in Uzbekistan
  5. Studying physiologically active agents and dietary supplements and degree of their possible toxicity.

441 works, including the 379 articles and 5528 theses, 8 monographs, 42 methodical manuals were published by results of the researches conducted by scientific stuff of the institute in 2016. The staff of institute has obtained 12 patents for the invention, 6 patents’ validity period is prolonged, 8 invention applications are claimed to the Agency of intellectual property.

The institute pays special attention to completion of research works by innovative elaboration and invention.

Staff of institute constantly participates in a competition of applied and innovative projects, declared by Committee on coordination of development of science and technologies. For the time being the staff of institute of institute performs 3 applied and 3 innovative works.

The results of scientific investigations of the institute have been introduced on the “Innovation design, technologies and projects” Annual Republic Fair during the period of 2008-2019 and 80  trade names of various medicines were brought into the Government data bank.

For activating  the practical appliance of the  institute’s scientific investigations  and standardization of the medicines and  preparations coming from the outer borders of the Republic, ‘The drug standardization scientific center” was established.  in 2002. For about 18 years scientific center renders assistance in bringing into practice investigation results of the institute’s scientific research.     Standardization of raw materials and substances  is worked in the center,   and also BFC project  is elaborated.

Annually at institute scientific and practical conference on “Topical issues of education, science and production in pharmacy” is held.

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