
According to the regulations on the magistracy, when preparing masters, the main rules established in order No. 343 “On approval of state educational standards in higher education” of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 16, 2001 are established.

Master can:

  • independent research, scientific, pedagogical and professional activities in the chosen field;
  • use modern information technologies in professional activities;
  • to continue their activities in research institutes as a senior research associate;
  • get an additional profession in the institute of retraining and staff development.

Types of professional activity of the master based on scientific and scientific-pedagogical preparedness in the specialty:

  • Scientific and pedagogical;
  • Scientific and creative;
  • Research and Experimental;
  • Designed;
  • Design and technological;
  • Management in production, as well as another type of activity based on the direction of undergraduate.

In the first two months of study, a master’s student, together with his supervisor, draws up a calendar plan for teaching, research, and the preparation of a master’s thesis. This calendar plan is discussed and approved at the meeting of the department.
The order of the work carried out by the undergraduate works, events, themes and disciplines of lectures, practical exercises and independent work, is specified and approved by order of the department together with the head of the department, supervisor, and a working group consisting of scientific advisers.

  1. By order of the head of the department, it is possible to replace the works listed in the plan with the necessary works based on the specifics of the direction. This should be reflected in the calendar plan.
  2. The master student must report on the scientific and pedagogical work carried out according to the plan at the monthly meeting of the department. According to the report of the undergraduate, the department will make a decision on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the plan by the undergraduate.
  3. At the end of the semester, a master student on the basis of monthly reports prepares a report on the results of scientific and pedagogical work and submits to the Magistracy Department. The Dean of the Master’s Office, the Methodist of the Master’s Department, Head of the Department, Scientific Supervisor, and a working group consisting of scientific leaders, taking into account the Department’s decision on the Master’s report, register the assessment in a list of scientific and pedagogical work.

The research work conducted by the undergraduate, the procedure for preparing a master’s thesis is specified by the head of the department, supervisor, working group consisting of scientific advisers and approved by order of the department. By order of the head of the department and supervisor, it is possible to replace the works shown in the exemplary plan with those that are not presented in the work plan, based on the features of the research topic. This, of course, should be reflected in the updated calendar plan.

  1. The master student must report on the research work carried out according to the plan at the monthly meeting of the department. According to the report of the undergraduate, the department makes a decision on whether or not the plan is completed by the undergraduate.
  2. At the end of the semester, a master student on the basis of monthly reports prepares a report on the results of scientific research and the preparation of a master’s thesis and submits to the magistracy department. The Dean of the Magistracy Department, Methodist of the Magistracy Department, Head of the Department, Scientific Supervisor, a working group consisting of scientific advisers, taking into account the order of the department on the report of the undergraduate registering the assessment in the list for research work and in the list for preparing the master’s thesis.

12.03.2019, 15:13 13797