Primary organization of the union of youth of Uzbekistan

Namozov Farrukhjon Shukhratovich

Academic degree and title:


The leader of the primary organization

Time of receipt:

Every day (8:30-16:00)





President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev on June 30, 2017 declared the day of formation of the Union of Youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “Youth Day”. The objective of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan is to involve young people in further deepening democratic, political and economic reforms in the country, to strengthen peace and harmony in the society, to attract Uzbekistan to the ranks of developed countries and effectively protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the younger generation, to raise the spiritual and professional level of young people and girls, help them realize their intellectual and creative potential.

In accordance with the decision of the constituent assembly of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and at the request of the initiative youth on September 11, 2017, the primary organization of the Union of Youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan began its activities. The goals and objectives of the charter of the new youth organization were presented to students. September 15, 2017, the leaders of all academic groups and faculties of pharmacy and industrial pharmacy were elected. As the leader of the Faculty of Pharmacy, a fourth-year student of the pharmaceutical sector Saliev Shakhboz was elected and as a leader of the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy, a third-year student of the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy Kodirov Shokhrukh was elected, and councils of faculties were also formed. On September 23, 2017, elections for the leadership of the Institute’s youth were held at the highest level. The elections were held through a democratic and open vote.

As a leader of the youth, a second-year student of Yunusov Uktamjon Jabbaralievich was elected and a youth council was formed. In the youth council of the primary organization, 13 members, gifted and initiative students conduct their activities. The Youth Council supports the initiatives of students, studying their problems and presenting them to the leadership. The youth organization actively participates in educational, scientific and spiritual-educational processes. Particular attention is paid to working with low-income students, especially those who need social protection. There are open dialogues in order to increase the activity of students living in the hostel. Every day the reputation and influence of the youth organization is growing.

The organization serves to unite young people of the institute, identify talents, increase the sense of belonging, and form a civic position. The youth organization organizes various competitions, spiritual and educational events, participates in various events in the county, city and country and works for the youth.

In particular, among the youth there are organized:

  • Intelligent games “Intellect”
  • “Smart Reader” competition
  • Review-Contest “Cheerful and resourceful”
  • Community “Gifted students”
  • Youth club
  • Sports competitions for the “Rector’s Cup”
  • Mugs “Foreign languages”
  • Mugs «Cooking, sewing».

Students actively participate in all projects and activities. Practical activities to improve the knowledge of young people in political law bring their results. According to the President, the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan strives to become a true supporter and support of youth.

12.10.2018, 16:12 57315