About accounting

It is well known that after the independence of our country, in all aspects of renewal, progress and development of all spheres of our life, there is certainly a significant role for financial and economic development. The role of the planning department is also noteworthy in the development of the institute.

Initially, the Accounting and Planning Department was established on July 16, 1937, the day the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was founded.

This department was organized both from experienced professionals and from talented young people.

Bibishev Abdulla Fazilovich headed the department of accounting and planning until 1970. For the last period the department was closely connected with the life of the institute.

In 1970-1989 the department was headed by Valentina V. Chembirlidi.

In 1990, Askarov Rahmat Usmanovich was appointed head of the department of accounting and planning and headed it until 1995.

From 1999 to 2014 the head of the accounting and planning department was Mamadieva Rano Nigmatovna.

From 2014 to 2019 the head of the accounting and planning department was Akhmedov Dilmurod Pardahanovich.

From 2019 to the present, the department of accounting and planning is headed by Suyunov Phozil Oriphovich.

The role of the accounting and planning department in the development of the educational process and scientific activity of the Institute, the replenishment of its material and technical base, the provision of appropriate teaching and methodological and scientific and technical means, modern technologies and equipment is invaluable.

 In recent years, the department has been assisting in the provision of various financial services in the organization of spiritual and educational activities, in the publication of textbooks and teaching aids, and also encourages gifted and underprivileged students, professors and teachers of the Institute.

The Accounting and Planning Department of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute plays an important role in its life and promotes development.

Contacts: (+ 998 71) 256-34-59; (+998 71) 256-15-17.

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