Natural needs of nature


One of the main factors necessary for human health, normal life and productivity is good and quality nutrition. It is hard to imagine the health of people without it.

But not everyone correctly understands good and quality food. Why most people try to cook daily foods, mainly proteins (meat and meat products), fats and carbohydrates (baked goods). At the same time, special attention is not paid to vegetables and fruits, which is one of the basic conditions for satisfying the nutritional needs of the body, and is neglected. It is hard to imagine good and proper nutrition for people without vegetables, without fruit and vegetable seasonings.


Soybean – Glycine hispida (many) Max.

The homeland of soybean is India and China. It is grown on a large measure on ground as a product of protein and fat. Mainly grown in the Far East, Georgia, Moldova, Stavropol, Ukraine, and sometimes in Uzbekistan.

Soybean is a grassy grass of the legume family. The stem is flat, height 30-70 cm. The leaves are three-sided (large, oval) are placed alternately on the stems, branches with a long stem. There are white or purple (sometimes red), five-leafed flowers in the shape of a flower. Fruits 1-4 seeds.

It blooms in July and August, and fruit in August-September.

Food includes soybean seeds, oils, and fruits, which are taken from the unprocessed core. Soybean is often used, nutritious and very helpful in food. Oil and protein are produced from seeds produced in flour and cereals (yorm). These products are used to produce milk, cottage cheese, syrup, sausage, bread, cookies, cakes, sweets, chocolate, coffee, various sauces, canned food, pasta and other food products. Canned dumplings are very useful, nutritious and very pleasant.

Soybean contains about 17-25% fat, 30-45% protein, sugar, organic (malic and other) acids, vitamin B1, V2 S, e and K, provitamin D, carotene, isoflavone glycosides (genistin and others) potassium, magnesium , calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt and other elements). 80-90% seed protein contains high quality plant protein, which contains all the essential amino acids (arginine, histidine, lysine, triftophan, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, leucine, isoline, valine), vital for life

Soy milk does not differ from cow’s milk in its nutritional and nutritional value, physical properties and appearance. It is recommended for use in gastric ulcer, gastric juice, hypersecretion, typhoid fever, severe transplantation, and chronic infectious diseases. Soy milk in gestational hypertension is more beneficial than cow milk. Because it causes less gastric juice than cow’s milk. Soy milk and other dairy products and soy flour (soy flour) are also used to treat diabetes.

It is used as a soybean product for the treatment of diabetes and some drugs  used in medicine for the treatment of light and to stimulate the central nervous system.

Soybean seeds were isolated from phytohemagglutinin (lectin), which has a Walker tumor (type of cancerous tissue), its size and weight, and even smaller effects. This phytohemagglutin effect is currently determined by animal experiments.



Prepared by: Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy M.Kh.Hodzhaeva



The great physicians Abu Ali inb Sina (Avicenna) wrote in his “Medical Laws” that ginger should be added  to prepare ointments which used to treat many diseases. The great physicians Avicenna  who used ginger to effectively treat a number of diseases, wrote  in his book: “Ginger improves memory, and promotes digestion, heart and brain function.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – included in the group of cotyledons, perennials. It is mainly found in the tropics and subtropics. South Asia is the hometown and is now growing in tropical and subtropical regions in China and India, Indonesia and Australia, West Africa, Jamaica and Barbados. Ginger is referred to in the scientific language as singabera, which means “horned root” in Sanskrit and is widely used as a “universal remedy.” Ginger contains all the essential oils in the underground body. Dried ginger roots are fragrant and tasty, rich in butter. The aroma of unmanaged ginger is stored longer. Used in medicine for the treatment of liver, heart, gastroenteritis (drink tea with honey). It is used in the food industry for the production of confectionery and cooking as an addition to certain dishes (before cooking).

Of course, the popularity of ginger among the majority of people in the world is associated with its healing properties, which is a universal natural vector for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Its chemical composition contains about 400 useful elements. This root contains essential amino acids, carbohydrates, a small amount of fat, a large amount of cellulose. Ginger is rich in vitamins (vitamin B-group, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K). It contains essential micro and macronutrients, essential oils such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, and so on. The calorific value of this grass root depends on its location, and the energy value of the root per 100 g of the root is about 80 kcal and dried about 4 times (about 330 kcal / 100 g). The healing properties of ginger are actively studied by modern specialists over the next few decades. That is why the presence of additives and gingerols gives them a good smell and has many beneficial properties.

Today, ginger contains many natural ingredients and is widely used to protect the body from various diseases and fight the disease.

The benefits of ginger tea

Experts say that when ginger is added to tea, it will increase its activity.

A piece of ginger root and a small pinch of cinnamon are added to the tea. This tea is useful for the human body and strengthens its immunity.

Ginger assists digestion. Mint, lemongrass leaves, sandalwood oil soothe the human body.


Regular drinking  of ginger tea is recommended due to its many beneficial properties:

It cleanses the liver and releases toxic substances.

Liver should be cleaned once or twice a year. This vital organ filters the blood and serves to remove harmful and toxic substances from the vascular system.

When ginger tea is used, in combination with ginger and cinnamon, it protects and preserves the liver, which cleanses and activates its function.

Prevention of the gallbladder

If there are stones in the gallbladder, then drink ginger tincture regularly to protect the liver and heal your gallbladder.

It heats the body from the inside.

This infusion is recommended to drink in cool weather, because it warms the body.

Ginger tincture improves digestion.

In order to improve digestion, people can drink ginger tincture to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

This infusion warms the body, heals internal organs, relieves meteorism.

It strengthens the immune system

Ginger is especially rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C. These substances are important for strengthening the immune system, fighting the flu and inflammation.

Ginger tea

It is very easy to make ginger tea, and it is easy to find the necessary products in each supermarket.

You need: 1 ginger root (about 2 cm), 1 piece of cinnamon, half a lemon, 1 cup of water (250 ml).

Method of preparation:

First of all, the ginger root is washed and dipped with a towel.

Boil 1 cup of water and add ginger and cinnamon. Boil another 10 minutes at low temperature. Add half of lemon juice to boiling water. Ginger tea is transplanted, filtered through cheesecloth and a few minutes the tea is ready. Drink two or three times a day.

Slimming with ginger!

Drink ginger tea half an hour before meals. Then you will eat less, your appetite will decrease, fats will be digested and digestion will be accelerated.

  • You decide to drink ginger tea, 50 ml on the first day, 100 ml on the second day, and 150 ml on the third day. Increase the amount of drinking daily.
  • Do not drink more than 2 liters of ginger tea per day. Stop taking tea three to four hours before bedtime.
  • Ginger tea not only reduces it, but also improves immunity and leaves headaches.


Although ginger and cinnamon protect the stomach from many diseases, it is not recommended to drink tea for people with diarrhea, because ginger and cinnamon are also strong stimulants.

In addition, use is not recommended for pregnant women, children and people taking drugs such as aspirin, warfarin, ticlopidine or heparin, which are part of strong anticoagulant drugs. Consult a doctor if the suspect feels unwell or has reacted unkindly.

Prepared by: Pharmacognosy

assistant professor, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Khodzhaeva Muattar Asadullaevna


CINNAMONA is a tree bark that grows in warm countries, with a pungent taste and smells of acrid odors, red and hues that give the food a delicate aroma.

Cinnamon improves mood when consumed, crushed and inhaled, and when applied to a topic, it dilutes blood clots. Keeps strength of the body. Improves eyesight. Eliminates colds and heals the brain. Removes the smell from the mouth, cures a wet cough. Clears the airways, opens the liver blockage.

If you grind cinnamon and use it as surmu, it gives strength and treats for other eye diseases.

The rate of cinnamon per day is about 7 grams.

For heart disease, mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon each day and eat it with bread. As a result, the risk of cholesterol in the blood and heart attack is reduced. It also improves breathing and heart muscle. Adults who take honey and cinnamon in a ratio of 1/1, say that focused attention and improves tone. On an empty stomach and around 15:00, 0.5 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon are mixed with 1 cup of boiled water, body fatigue goes away, and the body regains its strength.

People suffering from arthritis should drink 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon every day with 1 cup of boiling water. Even those who suffer from chronic arthritis can also benefit from this medicine.

With a decrease in cholesterol, 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and 2 cups of boiled water reduce the cholesterol in the blood by 10% in two hours. This mixture can be used daily three times a day and helps with chronic diseases.

Daily intake of honey and cinnamon while boosting immunity protects your body from dangerous viruses and bacteria

Scientists have discovered that honey contains large amounts of iron and various vitamins. Consistent consuming  increases white blood cells (white blood cells) in the ability to fight bacteria and viral diseases.

For skin infections, use 1/1 of honey and a mixture of cinnamon on damaged skin. This mixture refers to eczema of the skin, fungi and other skin infections.

To get rid of acne, mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and apply on the problem areas of the face before bedtime. Wash your face in the morning. If you complete this procedure within two weeks, all traces of your face will disappear.

Stomach Inflammation: Honey and Cinnamon. Relieves inflammation in the stomach and treats a stomach ulcer.

3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon mix. As a result, you heal from coughing and breathing better.

Scientists Zamondos recognized honey and cinnamon as the most effective means of combating all types of diseases without any complications.

This mixture has been used for hundreds of years in ancient medicine. Although honey is sweet, its use as a therapeutic agent is not harmful even for patients with diabetes.

If the bladder is inflamed, then 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of honey should be mixed with 1 cup of warm water. It kills germs in the bladder.

From the unpleasant smell you need – rinse the throat with honey and cinnamon.

According to a study by Indian and Japanese scientists, a mixture of honey and cinnamon prevents flatulence.

In case of hearing loss, you must eat honey and cinnamon every morning and evening.

Those who suffer from colds should add 1 tablespoon of warmed honey with 1/4 of cinnamon and drink 3 times a day.

This procedure also treats chronic cough, cold and clears the nose.

When indigestible stomach consumes 2 tablespoons of pre-cooked cinnamon, which is mixed with honey, which reduces the amount of acid in the stomach and helps digest heavy food.

Want to live long, always drink honey and tea with cinnamon. It slows down the aging process. To make tea, pour 1 cup of a spoonful of cinnamon to 3 cups boiling water in cool water, add 4 tablespoons. a spoon of honey. This tea makes the skin clean, smooth and protects it from aging.

Prepared by:

Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy

Khodzhaeva Muattar Asadullaevna

20.06.2020, 18:06 19827