Master degree course specialties



  • Remedies and preparations technology;
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy;
  • Organizing and management of pharmaceutical business;
  • Technology of immune-biological and microbiological preparations;
  • Drugs industrial technology.


At the institute are functioning the following faculties:

  • Pharmacy;
  • Industrial pharmacy;


Training process is conducted at the following departments:

  • Social sciences;
  • Languages chair;
  • Physics, mathematics and information technologies;
  • Pharmacognosy;
  • Organizing of pharmaceutical business;
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • Drugs technology;
  • Drugs industrial technology;
  • Biotechnology;

Information on admission to the magistracy:

Currently, there are 4 master specialties at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (5A510502 – organizing and managing the pharmaceutical business, 5A510501 – pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy, 5A510603 – industrial technology of medicines, 5A510602 – immunobiological technology and microbiological preparations, 76 undergraduate students are trained. 44 students study, and in the second year – 32 students.

The order of admission, entrance exams and oral interview when applying for a master’s degree is given in detail in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 393 dated June 20, 2017. At present, the results of the specialty and oral conversation are given on the website of the Institute.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 393 dated June 20, 2017

The evaluation criterion on the subject of specialization and oral interview.



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