School of young scientists

Abdujalilova Zilola Khikmatullayevna

Academic degree and title:

Associate professor candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences


chairman of the Council of young scientists

Time of receipt:

Every day (14:00-18:00)




About the Council of Young Scientists


In accordance with the Order No. 766 dated October 9, 2018 Z.Abdzhalilova was appointed chairman of the Council of Young Scientists.

At the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the Young Scientist Board consists of ten members, each of whom is responsible for each department. The Council was formed in the composition consisting of young scientists and experts up to 35 years, base doctors, independent researchers and gifted students (hereinafter referred to as young scholars). There are more than 50 young people at the age of 35 in the Institute who are responsible for informing them about the news, helping them to find and solve their problems.

The Council is a public structure of young scientists, uniting young people from the Republic and abroad who are engaged in research and development, systematically referring young people to scientific research in higher education, supporting scientific and creative activities of young scientists, developing fundamental, applied and innovative research to improve the quality of education and thus to ensure the sustainable development of scientific personnel and to promote the advancement of young scientists’ creative accomplishments. at. Using the opportunities of the Council, the young scientists contribute to the development of creative activity, their specialization, the scientific finding of the most important scientific and practical problems in the socio-economic development of the country. Helps young scientists create material and spiritual support, fully demonstrate their abilities and capabilities.


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