Memo to the applicant

Admissions commissions of educational institutions for 3 days before the test put on the bulletin board lists of applicants in groups and the layout of buildings and audiences.
In the presence of the above documents, the selection committee is not entitled to refuse an applicant for admission. Citizens have the right to receive a second and subsequent higher education on a contractual basis (the law “On Education”, paragraph 14).
The applicant 3 days before the start of the test, carefully studies the circuit and remembers the name and location of the building, the floor and the number of the audience where it will pass the test tests.
3 days prior to testing, the applicant is issued a pass, which indicates the group number.
Testing in full-time, special correspondence departments of educational institutions is carried out on the basis of the “Regulations” in Uzbek, Russian and Karakalpak languages for all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the same day, at the same time.
Applicants are prohibited from carrying dictionaries, reference books, tables, notebooks, cribs, calculators and cell phones.
Applicants who did not appear at the specified time, additional test tests are not conducted;
Applicants pass tests in the language in which they will study at the university.

23.06.2020, 08:45 19919