Umarova Firuza Alisherovna

Academic degree and title:

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor


Head of the department

Time of receipt:

Every day (14:00-18:00)


+99890 907-44-09


The Department of Gifted Students of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute is based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, “National Training Program for Personnel” and “Decision on working with gifted students” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. of the year.

In 2000-2008 the department was headed by Professor Makhmudzhonova Komila Sultanovna.Currently, work with talented students is carried out by associate professor Malikova Gulchehra YuldashevnoyTraining of talented students on the basis of intensive targeted programs and training of intellectually-retrained personnel is an actual problem of modern education

In order to target the talented students of the Institute, there are the following directions:

– training on a deeper basis;

– active participation in research;

– participation in meetings and round tables with prominent scientists, professors and business leaders;

– Conducting industrial practice at the most exemplary industrial enterprises;

– Excellent study of foreign languages;

– development of information technologies;

– reflecting the achievements of the media and encouraging winning students;

– participation in the specialized magazine “Pharmaceutical Journal”, articles and abstracts at various scientific conferences;

Currently, all the talented students of the Institute actively participate in scientific research.


Work with especially gifted students of the institute is conducted according to the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Measures for further improvement of work with gifted students of higher educational institutions” and “Regulations for work with gifted students of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute”.

Work with gifted students is conducted in the following areas:

– training in the in-depth program on core subjects;

– attracting students to research work carried out in the


– conducting industrial practice in representative pharmaceutical


– in-depth study of foreign languages ​​and familiarization with new

information technology


 To date, the Institute trains more than 70 gifted students, 35 of them actively participate in research work. In 2011, they published 35 theses and scientific articles, in addition, they took an active part in the scientific and practical conference “Integration of Education, Science and Production in Pharmacy”, where the fourth-year student N. Abduxalikova received a certificate in the nomination “The Best Presentation” for the report “Makhalliy xom ashyolar asosida olingan dori vositalar taxlili”




And in accordance with Order 7/5 of October 18, 2017, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2017-2018 academic year, a huge work was carried out to select gifted students for the following State Scholarships: State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ibn Sina Fellowship, Karimova

A fourth-year student of the Sunnatov Pharmaceutical Faculty, Shukurullokh, received the Ibn Sino State Scholarship, as well as the student of the 4th year of the Faculty, the Promised Pharmacy, MA Malikova. received the State Scholarship named after I. Karimova »


The state scholarship “Ibn Sino”

Sunnatov Shukurulloch

The State Scholarship named after ” I. Karimova”

Tashmatova (Malikova) Madina

        Madina Anvarovna

“Round tables were held on the topics: “The role of an educational institution in support of young talented students”, “My profession is my pride,” “Knowledge is the criteria of a happy life,” etc.



May 12, 2018 at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy of the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy passed the 2nd round of the Republican Olympiad in the subject of Pharmacology.




In accordance with Order No. 301 of April 7, 2017, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan selected the members of the commission of judges, the justice commission and the credentials committee. On May 12, 2018, in TashFarmI, the 2nd stage of the Republican Olympiad in Pharmacology was held.

1 place. Paizieva D. A 3rd year student of the Medical Faculty of TMA.

2nd place. Yorkulov J. A fourth-year student of the Faculty of Clinical Pharmacy TashFarmI. 3 place Zhuldasbaev AK A fourth-year student at the Faculty of Medicine, Nukus Branch of TMA.

Active participation of gifted students in scientific activities and conferences:





According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 5. 1993 № UP-555 “On measures to encourage students of young people of Uzbekistan”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of  Uzbekistan dated October 13. 2008 № 226 “On awarding and encouraging talented youth of  Uzbekistan”, as well as protocol the admission committee on state scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, formed in accordance with the order № 778 of the Cabinet of Ministers of September 10. 2018. dated September 24. 2018. the following students became winners of State scholarships Uzbekistan

Abdukhalikova Nargiza Oktamovna

             State Fellow

scholarships of the name of Islam Karimov

Fayzullaeva Shakhodat Habibullo qizi

State Fellow

scholarships named “Ibn Sino”

Fazliev Sunnatillo Aloiddinovich

State Fellow

President scholarships

Republic of Uzbekistan



In the large assembly hall of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the rector of the institute I.I. Alimdjanov held a meeting where diplomas were awarded to the state prize holders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and I. Karimov, Ibn Sino in 2018. The meeting was attended by relatives and friends of the award recipients, who in turn expressed gratitude to the management and teaching staff of the institute

A seminar on the topic “Efficiency and effectiveness of general and special skills” was organized at the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy for talented students. This training was aimed at developing the skills and abilities of gifted students, in addition to their special abilities. The seminar was held in the form of training seminars and workshops. G. Yu. Malikova, responsible for working with gifted students of the institute, gave a lecture on this topic. The psychologist of the institute S.Azlarova conducted test and proactive methods for determining creativity and skill level of students. Students were provided with information on the answers to the methodology for analyzing their skills, abilities and professionalism that they showed. At the end of the seminar, students mutually exchanged their interesting questions.


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