News of the Institute
Announcements Public events Spiritual and educational activities Days of events
General information
Rector’s greeting Institute charter About Institute Helpline
Structure of the institute Governance Faculties and departments Centers, departments and councils Academic Lyceum of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Social sphere
Joint trade union committee Chairman of the women's Committee Examples of youth creativity There have been asked Natural needs of nature
Scientific activity
Council of the Institute Scientific council Scientific journal Scientific society of students Work plan for the organization of scientific and innovative work Research scientific work Educational personnel training Abstracts Qualifying exams Admission to the doctoral program Scientific activities Research announcements RESEARCH ARTICLES Alumni club School of young scientists Science 2020 Specialty programs Doctoral Doctoral School Scientific society of students
International activity
International relations Education and training abroad International grants and projects
Financial activity
About Marketing Sample of contracts Social protection Alumni monitoring Job placement About accounting ACTIVITY / Announcements, contests and tenders Contracts concluded by the Institute on public procurement Wage calculation and rewards distribution rules _______________ CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIY Spiritual and educational activities Life of students Sporting activity Primary organization of the union of youth of Uzbekistan Chimgan is the practical training and health camp Herbal drinks bar Ecology and environmental protection
Admission quotas Entrance examinations Admission monitoring Address of the reception commission Bachelor degree programs Admission quotas Uzbek-Russian faculty of education ОНЛАЙН ПРИЁМ ИНОСТРАННЫХ АБИТУРИЕНТОВ – 2020
Entrance exams Information required to apply Admission quota Master degree course specialties Selection Committee The list of related areas of higher education for admission to the master's degree Uzbek-Russian faculty of education Регистрация абитуриентов на высшее фармацевтическое образование (магистратура).
Decrees and regulations on admission General information for applicants Set of disciplines for undergraduate studies Payment-contract amount
State educational standards Instruction Schedule (1-2-3-4-5 courses) State examinations (Bachelor's) The list of exams Mastering Attendance Gifted student State scholarships and grants Student residences Bitiruv malakaviy ishi To the students My innovative idea
State educational standard Instruction Expected Learning (1-2 courses) GIFTED STUDENTS Academic performance Attendance State scholarships and grants Student residences Topics of master’s theses State examinations (Magistracy) The order of preparation, registration and defense of the master's dissertation
Useful information
Curriculum Freshman school General information about graduates Professional development and students My opinion Payment-contract amount
For foreign students
FOREIGN STUDENTS Contract amount Safety of international students Student residence Institute video Brochures
For all
Virtual reception (Offer) Appointment to the rector Electronic library Electronic journal Web Resources for pharmacy Distance learning system Electronic document management system DCS Information on obtaining a diploma Vacancies
Teachers and students
Application for the contest " Best teacher of the year» Submission of application for the contest " Author of the best textbook and educational literature» Obtaining a certificate from the place of work Application for the contest " Nominal scholarships» Obtaining a certificate of training Information about the progress Application for accommodation in a student hostel Applying for a sabbatical Application for return from sabbatical Participation in the conference Apply for PhD and DSc Receive information about student rating points
Electronic acceptance of applicants ' applications (Bachelor) Submission of an application for the return of the applicant's documents Electronic acceptance of applicants ' applications (Magistracy)
Contacts A list of resources (government portals) Requisites Sitemap
Legal and regulatory documents
Decrees and orders of the President Government programs Decrees, resolutions and orders of the Government Orders of MHSSE and Ministry of Health Regulations registered by the Ministry of justice Regulatory and Executive documents Qualification requirements and time criteria SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS Requirements for professors and teachers
Contracts concluded by the Institute on public procurement
08.01.2020, 16:00 10328 Print version