Xotin qizlar qo‘mitasi

Boltayeva Barnokhon Khomitjonovna

Academic degree and title:


Chairman of the Women's Committee

Time of receipt:

Every day (9:00-17:00)


(998 94) 624-88-96


“The beauty of this world, the philosophy and the meaning of life we ​​see, feel, above all, as a woman in her faithful heart, loyalty and self-sacrifice” .

Islam Karimov.

Our country is rich in selfless women who are willing to work tirelessly in the name of prosperity of the country. Today when independence becomes stronger, our women are the mainstay of our homeland, the true protectors of independence. Each of us with their work, at the call of his heart helps her. These achievements have also merit of women Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

Today Uzbek woman – wise and sensible, progressive scientists, tireless social activist. The image of the Uzbek woman embodies the wisdom, goodness and tenderness of an oriental woman. Only in the pharmaceutical industry employs many of our mothers and sisters, that your knowledge, rich experience making a worthy contribution to the protection of public health, dignity wear their white robes – a symbol of purity of thoughts.

Uzbek women – a well-known scientists, distinguished employees in enterprises and institutions, caring mother and beloved family. During the years of independence for many years, the Women’s Committee of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was headed by Associate Professor A.I.Nuritdinova, associate professor Toshmatov N.A, Kodirova Sohibzhamol Hamzaevna. The pharmaceutical industry of the country have developed many female pharmacists, scientists, professors and experts mature. Among them, Professor Pulatova T.P, Professor Nazarova Z.A, Professor Yunusova H.M, Professor Urmanova F.F Professor Mahmudzhonova K.S, Ph.D. Abdullabekova V.N, Professor Tillaeva G., Ph.D. Karieva Y., Ph.D. Alihodzhaeva M.I, Iskandarov Sh.F. Nowadays, the Pharmaceutical Institute employs 499 women, 8 of them are doctors of sciences, 65 – candidates of sciences. In addition, about 70 talented students 46 girls, 4 students were awarded scholarships named after. Professor Azizov M.A 3 – scholarships of SJSC “Dori-Darmon”.

Chairman of the Women’s Committee of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in the 2015-2016 Saidova Mamlakat  Yadgarovna was elected , a senior lecturer in “The organization of pharmaceutical business,”. Chairman of the Women’s Committee coordinates the work of the committee with the Vice-rector for spiritual and educational work. In accordance with the decision of the board of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan from July 16, 2011 №39 «On the women’s committee of primary organizations” developed by the Regulations on the Women’s Committee of the Institute. The committee’s work is conducted in accordance with this Regulation.

Work on the spiritual and moral education of students of the Institute, is in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education, the Women’s Committee, YSO “Камолот”, the Central Council is conducted in the following areas:

  1. Organizational matters for systemic coordination spiritual and educational work.
  2. Spiritual personality.
  3. Formation of religious tolerance.
  4. The formation of political and legal knowledge and culture.
  5. Formation of ecological knowledge and culture.
  6. Formation of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.
  7. Formation of the immunity of ideological and ideological combat capability.
  8. The celebration of national holidays, historical dates and anniversaries of great ancestors.
  9. Professionalism, knowledge, skills and qualifications.

The members  of the Women’s Committee of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

  1. The Chairman of the Committee – Boltaeva B.X.
  2. Spiritual and educational work – Yuldasheva S.M., Ashurova N.H, Sultanova L.B.
  3. The protection of motherhood and childhood – Saidalieva F.A.
  4. Sports and recreation activities – Kosimova V.S. Ziyamuhamedova M.M.
  5. Hobby group “Neatly Girls” – Sultanov G.A.
  6. Prepare students for .Zulfii Prize – Iminova I.M, Sodikova N.A
  7. Working with girls living in a students` hostel – Olimova Sh.M., Sunnatova D.A
  8. Health center “Avicenna” – Akhmedova F.M
  9. The Secretary – Chinnibekova N.K.

In order to implement the tasks defined in the Institute on volunteer board meeting of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan  on October 13, 2011 established a circle “Neatly Girls”. Tasks of “Neatly Girls”: form correctly  of personal hygiene among girls, improving the medical culture, attention to clean environment, increase environmental and health culture, the right to build the relationship between the girls, keeping among the girls of marriageable age advocacy on family holiness, information on processes that occur during pregnancy. Taking into account the principle of “Healthy family – strong society and a strong society – a stable country”, activities, certain State program “Year of a healthy family” is the main task of the women’s committee of the Institute activities.

The most important activities of the Committee are: together with the relevant authorities education of students in the spirit of respect for the law, aimed at strengthening the stability of the country, as well as the organization of the spiritual and educational events, parties, meetings, training seminars and conferences related to the activity of young women, girls and aimed at preventing crime; maintaining spiritual, educational, educational work among girls and raising them harmoniously developed personality; strengthening care and attention to young families, providing them with legal and social protection, providing them with material and moral support; education of students in the spirit of the idea of ​​national independence, the formation in them a sense of loyalty to the homeland, promoting active participation in public life, the constant improvement of knowledge; organization works to educate students in the spirit of respect for national and universal values, historical heritage, related to women, the traditions of the Eastern women; timely familiarization of students with the content of regulations adopted on women and enforcement provided for in these activities; holding spiritual and educational activities involving students living in dormitories, study their living conditions and making appropriate proposals to the management; in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.06.1999, the UP-2326 “On the support for the proposals for the establishment of the State Prize Zulfiya” conducted extensive promotion of the essence award among students of the institute.

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