Professors and teachers of the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy visited the “Rekamed farm” in the Syrdarya Free Economic Zone.

16.12.2019, 15:23 Institute news, News 1946

Professors and teachers of the PTGL department Sharipova S.T., Masharipova R.R., Elmurodov D.T. Students of the group 305 A, 305 B, 306 B of the pharmacy field visited Rekamed farm LLC. The company “Rekamed farm” established in the Syrdarya Free Economic Zone, produces injection and infusion solutions. Students are familiar with the process of production of injection and infusion solutions in the pharmaceutical industry. The company uses advanced technology developed in China to produce high-quality sterile drug products. Modern technology is made in China.During the visit, students got acquainted with the process of production of injection drugs, samples of finished products. They answered students’ questions.