There are discussion clubs with the names “Technologist” and “Cosmetologist”  at the department of “Technology of medicinal forms”

29.03.2019, 16:47 Institute news, News 2376

In accordance with the order № 163 of September 18, 2009 at the department of technology of medicinal forms organized clubs with the extra activities “Technologist” and “Cosmetologist”.

This program is intended for gifted students of the department “Technology of medicinal forms”, which will serve as a basis for further strengthening their knowledge and skills acquired in laboratory lectures and lectures on “Pharmaceutical technology”. Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy participate in the clubs of “Technologist” and “Cosmetologist”. The discussion clubs study the history, description, classification of drugs and cosmetics, the basic principles of their preparation technology, the indicators used to determine the adjuvants and their quality.The heads of the club “Technologist” are prof. Z. A. Nazarova, associate professor G.M. Tureeva, associate professor N. Fayzullaeva. The club “Cosmetologist”  led by the head of the department, prof. Yo.S.Karieva, associate professor N.M. Rizaeva, and associate professor I.Sh. Sharipova.