Doctoral students and independent researchers were monitored

05.02.2019, 15:14 Institute news, News 2219

In order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 22, 2017 No. 304 “On measures for further improvement of the system of postgraduate education”, basic doctoral students, doctoral students and independent candidates for 1,2,3 courses of the Institute are monitored.

Vice-Rector for research and innovation N.Normahamatov and Head of the department of scientific research, innovation and training of the pedagogical personnel M.T.Mullajonova monitored, each basic doctoral students, doctoral students and independent applicant were interviewed in detail about their research activities, published articles and expected results.



Head of the department of scientific research, innovation and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel M.Mullajonova