The chair of of Inorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry
Sharipov Avez Tuymuradovich
Academic degree and title:
Head of department
Time of receipt:
Saturday (15:00-17:00)
(871) 256-32-46
Inorganic, analytical, physical-colloidal chemistry department at first was named inorganic and physical-colloidal chemistry department and was formed in 1937on the base of General chemistry department at the Tashkent Medical Institute. The teachers of the chair were associate professor R.A. Obelchenko, assistant I.L. Teodorovich and at that time worked as assistant then the rector honorable scientist of Uzbekistan, doctor of chemical sciences, Professor M.A. Azizov.
Beginning from September 1939 R.A. Obelchenko, from February 1941 Professor V.G. Zapremetov were the head of the chair. At that time at the chair as assistant worked the follower of V.G. Zapremetov K.S. Axmedov. Karim Sodikovich Akhmedov, academician of AS of the Republic of Uzbekistan, honoured scientist, doctor of chemical sciences, professor created in our republic the school of colloidal chemistry.
In June, 22, 1941 World War II began. Many teachers of the institute had gone to front including assistants K.S. Akhmedov, I.L.Teodorovich. From September 1941the chair was headed by R.I. Lapin evacuated from Moscow.
In 1943 the head of the chair was appointed Asan Murtazayevich Murtazayev. He headed the chair during 35 years. He was awarded the scientific degree of doctor of sciences, professor, honoured scientist and technician. Under his guidance at the chair was developed the educational-methodical and scientific work. At that time at the chair worked the following associate professors: S.G. Avokyans, P.P. Tolok, Sh.Z. Kholmudakhonova, E.T. Tuychiyev, L.E. Kornyeva, E. Mamatmusayev, O.S. Gofurova, assistant M. Almanova and others. They also made a great contribution to the development of the chair.
In 1978 on a competitive basis the head of the department was chosen the senior researcher, candidate of chemical sciences Sobirjon Nigmatovich Aminov.During managing the department he wrote the dissertation work on colloidal chemistry (02.00.11) and defended doctoral dissertation (1987) in Moscow in the Russian chemical-technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev. In 1988 S.N.Aminov received the title of professor, and in 2007 the honoured scientist of Uzbekistan. At this time to the department were admitted young teachers including Kh.Z.Rakhmatullaev, who worked and succesfully defended his doctoral dissertation work and received the title of professor. Unfortunately, he suddenly died. To the department were admitted the following teachers: Kh.R.Tukhtaev, R.Aristanbekov, М.М.Kurbanova, N.К.Olimov, К.А.Chulpanov, М.М.Rakhmatullaeva and others.
In 2005 the department of inorganic and physical-colloidal chemistry was combined with the department of analytical chemistry and became the department of Inorganic, analytical, physical-colloidal chemistry (IAPCCD). Nowadays the traditions, ideas and duties of both chairs are remained. They are directed to solving and realization of tasks on training highly-skilled pharmaceutical specialists, conduction scientific research work and upbringing of young generation according to the «National program on training specialists».
At the department the main educational-methodical, scientific, spiritual-elucidative works and the work on training highly-skilled specialists began from the first years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. From this time at the chair the scientific work is carried out according to 2 directions.The first directioni is production of medicinal means on the base of local organic materials. The second direction is creation of medicinal means on the base of vitally important and biologically active ligands. According to the both directions the chair achieved big results. Memebers of the chair took an active part in contests of the Committee on development of siences and technologies at the Cabinet of Ministers for receiving grants, on the base of economic agreements were earned non-budget funds, to scientific work were attracted professors and teachers of the chair, and also talented students, they are constantly encouraged, participated in technological fairs with innovative ideas, made agreements and found manufacturers.
At the chair the special attention is paid to the educational process. Textbooks, manuals, educational-methodical aids in all subjects have been written in Latin, works on interactive teaching, modernization of educational process were put into practice. At every lecture, practical and laboratory lessons new pedagogical and information technologies are applied.
Azizov Mannon Azizovich, honoured scientist of Uzbekistan, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor. He headed the department of analytical chemistry in 1945-1975 (30 years). He created the school “Creation of coordination compounds on the base of biological active ligands and 3d metals”.
Murtazaev Asan Murtazaevich, honoured scientist of Uzbekistan, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor. He headed the department of inorganic, physical-colloidal chemistry in 1943-1978 (35 years). He is the founder of electrochemical branch in Uzbekistan.
Shobilolov Azat Akhmedovich, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, headed the department of Analytical chemistry in 1985-2000 (15 years). The successor of school” Inventions of coordination components on the basis of 3D metals and bioactive ligands” created by M. A. Azizov.
Aminov Sobirzhon Nigmatovich, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, headed the department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloidal chemistry in 1978-2012 (34 years )“. The founder of school in branch “Obtaining medicines on the basis of local raw materials and use of new SAM in medicinal technologies).
Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry
FULL NAME. Maksudova Firuza Xurshidovna
Position: Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Date of birth: September 21.1983 Telephone: +99897 719-77-99 e-mail: |
In 1973 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Tashkent State University (now UzNU named after M. Ulugbek) and received the qualification of a chemist. She began her career as a senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Then she worked as an engineer, senior engineer and junior researcher. Since 1989, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Inorganic, Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1996 she defended her thesis on the theme “Development of methods for purification, standardization of some biologically active derivatives of anabazine and lupinin”. In 1997 she received the title of assistant professor and from this year she has been working as an assistant professor. M.M. Kurbonova in 2001-2003 was the chairman of the women’s council of the institute, in 2003-2005, the chairman of the council of curators of the institute.
It conducts research work in accordance with the approved research plan of the department on the topic: Obtaining and studying the properties of dispersed drug systems. Based on the results of scientific research, published more than 70 scientific articles, published 1 study guide, 1 collection of tasks, more than 35 teaching aids. Based on studies on the standardization of drugs and the results obtained, regulatory and technical documents for 8 drugs were approved. Textbook co-authored by Associate Professor M.M. Kurbanova “Fizik va kolloid kimyo fanidan amaliy mashg`ulotlar” in 2007 won the 2nd place in the competition “The best educational literature of the year”, and in 2012 “Fizik va kolloid kimyodan masalalar to`plami” won 3rd place. For many years of work, for her contribution to organizing medical education, for participating in the training of qualified specialists at the institute, for achieving high results in her work, M.M. Kurbanova was awarded letters of commendation from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Uzbekistan, the Republican Trade Union of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and Rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. In 2019 was revised the textbook “Practical Exercises in Physical and Colloid Chemistry” and received a grip for publication. The textbook “Physical and Colloid Chemistry” was recommended for publication by the Institute of Problems Commission. In 2016-2019 she published 2 research papers and 5 theses. |
FULL NAME. Azimova Bahtigul Jovli qizi
Position: А senior teacher of the department, PhD in Biology Date of birth: March 8, 1977 Telephone: +99890 357-77-58 e-mail: |
In 1999, she graduated from the faculty of chemistry of the State University of Karshi. In 2000, she began her career at school №26 in Karshi as a chemistry teacher. In 2004, joined the staff of the Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the laboratory of biochemistry of lipids as a junior researcher. From 2005 to 2008, as a postgraduate student at the Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, and graduated in 2008. She completed PhD thesis under supervision of academician Saatov T.S. on «Regulation of apoptosis and tumor cell proliferation by thyroxinе in experimental oncogenesis».
During her dissertation work, she mastered a number of modern techniques of biochemistry and cell biology. During her studies in graduate school and beyond, she constantly engaged to improve their academic and professional level, has established scientific contacts and cooperation with well-known scientists of the Republic and foreign countries. Frequently participated with scientific reports in the scientific forum of national and international importance. In 2006, Azimova B.J. won a scholarship to the University of Hannover (Germany). In 2009, she won a grant and received the TWAS award in the framework doctoral program of scholarships CAS-TWAS, 3240223269, and completed the program in the center of Natural products Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2010 – 2011. Azimova B.J. is the head of the grant FA-0-15105 «The development a method for enhancement of aromatase activity in women with hyperandrogenic syndrome by using the preparation of ecdysten, a home-made formulation». In 2016, she received the CAS-PIFI award in the framework doctoral program of scholarships CAS-PIFI, and completed the project in the center of Natural products Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2017 – 2018. Currently she works as a senior teacher at the Department of inorganic, colloidal and physical chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. She is the author of over 40 scientific publications. |
Muhammadiyeva Dilrabo Akromovna
The assisstant Tel.:(97) 464-95-25 Birth date:1978 E-pochta: |
In 2000 she graduated from the chemistry-biological department of the natural-biological faculty at the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami (now the Tashkent State Pedagogical university named after Nizami) and received a diploma in the specialty of chemistry and biology as a teacher. In 1998-1999, she began her career from the school as teacher of the 141-school in Shayhontakhur district, 2003-2004, a teacher at the Tashkent Law School, in 2006-2011, at the Railway Institute, 2011-2016 in Tashkent Law College, 2016-2018 in 2-Tashkent Law College as a teacher of chemistry and biology, and currently she works as an assistant at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in the Department of general and inorganic chemistry. Her scientific articles were published in authoritative foreign scientific journals and republican publications. She is the author of many scientific articles and abstracts. |
FULL NAME. Khazratkulova Sevara Musinovna
Position: А senior teacher of the department Date of birth: December 01.1983 Telephone: (371) 274-22-76 e-mail: |
In 2001, she received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. In 2005, she entered the university for a master’s degree in chemistry of natural compounds. In 2007–2011 He studied at the Faculty of Chemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek as a trainee researcher in the specialty 02.00.06 – “High-molecular compounds.” From 2011-2018 He worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Polymer Chemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan.
Since 2018, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Inorganic, Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. In 2017, S.M. Khazratkulova defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Radical polymerization of N-substituted acrylamides of natural acids.” Assistant S.M. Khazratkulova is the author of more than 40 scientific articles. His articles have been published in leading foreign scientific journals and in national publicatio. |
FULL NAME. Axmedova Nilufar Baxodir qizi
Position: Position: Assistant of the Department Date of birth: September 21.1983 01.05.1994 Telephone: +99897 322-66-64 e-mail: |
2012-2016 – Student of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. 2016-2018 –Master of the National University of Uzbekistan. From 2018 to the present, he is an assistant at the Department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. N.B. Akhmedova published 2 scientific articles and 10 abstracts. |
FULL NAME. Jumabayev Farxod Raxmatovich
Position: Assistant of the department Date of birth: August 16.1990 Telephone: +99899 893-87-50 e-mail: |
2013-2017 – Student of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. 2017-2019 – Master of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. 2016 to the present, he is an assistant in the Department of Inorganic, Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. |
The scientific and educational directions of department in a bachelor degree:
Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, vocational training, biotechnology
The subjects studied at the department:
Inorganic chemistry;
Analytical chemistry;
Physical chemistry;
Colloid chemistry.
Faculty members of the department:
Yunuskhojaev A.N. | Head of the department, professor |
Aminov S.N | Professor |
Olimov N.K. | Professor |
Tukhtaev Kh.R. | Professor |
Chulponov K.A. | Docent |
Kurbonova M.M | Docent |
Fatkhullaeva M. | Docent |
Saydalieva A.K. | Senior teacher |
Mukhammedova B.I. | Docent |
Rakhmatullaeva M.M. | Docent |
Zokirova N.T. | Senior teacher |
Kosimova M.B. | Assistant |
Zaripova R. | Assistant |
Ruzmetov U. | Assistant |
Khamdamov U.I. | Assistant |
Scientific works of Department: Uses of local raw materials for creation of medicines, obtaining disperse systems and coordination compounds to modify them, to study colloidal and chemical properties.
The practical research works which are carried out in 2012-2015:
№ |
Code |
Leader of the project | Title of the project |
Funds of the project (in 2012. million sum) |
1 | ADSS-34,1
Yunusxo’jaev A.N.
“Mahalliy xomashyolar asosida yangi yod saqlovchi dori vositalarini ishlab chiqish va ularning dori shakllarini yaratish” | 133 ,254
2 | ADSS 15.28.1
Mahalliy xomashyolar asosida antikoagulyant va antiagregant fitovosita – alltrombosepinni olish texnologiyasini ishlab chiqish. | 80,5
3 | A11-FK-0-10525-A11-020
Aminov S.N | Mahalliy tabiiy xomashyolardan kollagen olish, hamda undan dori turlari yaratishning yuqori samarali texnologiyasini ishlab chiqish | 90,0
4 | A11-001 | Sharipov A.T. | Mahalliy xomashyolarni qo’llab antitrombogen yumshoq dori shakllarining texnologiyasini ishlab chiqish. |
The innovative projects which are carried out in 2013-2016:
№ | Code | Title of the project | Leader of the project | From FTRMK | From the investor оrganization |
1 | I6-SS-0-18508 | “Mahalliy tabiiy xom ashyolardan olingan gipoglikemik taъsirga ega “Glikorazmulin” substantsiyasi va kapsula dori shaklini ishlab chiqarishni o’zlashtirish va tibbiyot amaliyotiga joriy etish”. | Yunusxodjaev A.N. | ||
2 | I-2011-9-3 | Sarimsoq piyoz spirtli ekstrakti (Spekgarlin) ning texnologiyasini, standartlash va sifat nazoratini o’zlashtirish hamda tibbiyotga qo’llashga joriy etish. | Aminov S.N. |
3 | I6-SS-O-18252
“Yallig’lanish va gijja invaziyasiga qarshi “Mekritin” dori vositasining ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasini o’zlashtirish va tibbiyot amaliyotiga joriy etish” | Aminov S.N. |
Research-methodical work carried out at the department: