The chair of Organization of Pharmaceutical Affairs and Pharmaceutical Technology

Iskandarova Shohista Fexruzovna

Academic degree and title:

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor


Head of the department

Time of receipt:

Monday-Friday (09:00-16:00)


(0 371)


History of the department

Since September 2005, by order of the Rector of the Institute of February 17, 2005 №109, the Faculty of Pharmacy was established and associate professor A.M. Kamilov was appointed as its head. The heads of department were the Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor A.M. Komilov in 2005-2009, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.K.Ganiev in 2009-2011, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.M. Miralimov in 2011-2012,, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor U.J.Akromov in 2012-2015, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor A.Ganiev in 2015-2018.

Komilov Adham Mahamatovich was born on July 15, 1941 in Tashkent. In 1969 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1977 he defended his Ph.D. dissertation. From 1978 he worked at the department of pharmaceutical business and economy. In 1985 he was appointed as an associate professor. He is the author of 2 books, more than 100 scientific works and methodical manuals. Under his supervision only one Ph.D. dissertation was supported. In 1994-1996 he was the deputy chairman of the trade union of the institute, and in 1996 he headed the union of united trade unions. Associate Professor A. Komilov was awarded the title of “Best Associate Professor” for scientific and educational-methodical works, published textbooks, manuals and articles. In 2004, the associate professor A.M. Komilov was transferred to the Faculty of Pharmacy Development and until 2011 worked as the Head of the Department of Pharmacy.



A.K.Ganiev graduated from Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 1985 and graduated from compulsory military service in 1985-1987 and was admitted to the post of trainee in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy at the Institute’s Improvement Faculty. In 1989-1992 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute began his first scientific research at the Pharmacognosy Department. His research work was to study the chemical composition of medicinal herbs in Uzbekistan, to identify their biologically active substances and to develop medicines.
From 2012 to 2015 he worked as a Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. He had been working as the Head of the Department of Pharmacy in 2015-2018.



Mirjamol Mirakhmedovich Miralimov graduated from Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 1970 with honors. In 1971 he was a postgraduate student of the Department of Drug Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Moscow Medical Academy named after  I.Sechenov.

In 1974 he defended his PhD dissertation on the specialty 15.00.01 – Technology of medicines and pharmacy of the Moscow Medical Academy. In 1980, M. Miralimov was awarded the title of associate professor.
Mirjamol Mirakhmetovich Miralimov has been working at the Department of Technology of Drug Forms of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute since 1971 as an assistant, senior researcher, associate professor, head of the department, as an Assistant Professor in 1971-1980, Associate Professor in 1980-1985, and Head of the Department of Pharmacy in 1985-1989, Head of Department of Drug Technologies in 1989-2004. From 2004 he worked as the dean of the faculty of pharmacology, in 2011-2012 – the head of the department “Pharmacy”.

Akramov Ubaydulla Juraevich – from 1972 to 1977 was a student of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. During 1979-1982 he studied at the Institute of Pharmacy in Moscow, where he successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic of ” Theoretical and practical assessment of the creation and study of suppositories” under the supervision of academician A.I. Tensova. Ubaydulla Jurayevich Akromov worked as a senior lecturer in 1982 and later as associate professor at the Department of Drug Forms Technology under the leadership of Z.N.Nazirov. He continued his scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of soft medicines. He lectured on the technology of drug types. After Independence of Uzbekistan gained wide access to private business. Ubaydulla Juraevich Akramov, who always strives to be in line with the times, tried to take full advantage of our country’s opportunities in his work, and in 1995 he opened a private company Mahliyohon and led him until 2010. In 2010 Ubaydulla Jurayevich Akromov continued his career as an associate professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Study. He lectured on the subject “Pharmaceutical Economics”, “Pharmacy Management”. In the 2011-2012 academic year he was responsible for teaching at the Department of Pharmaceutical Work, as well as the Chairman of the Board of “Teacher and Student” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. He made a significant contribution to raising the effectiveness of spiritual, moral and educational work among the teachers and students. In addition, during this period, U.Kh.Akromov successfully carried out scientific work. Under his leadership, three master dissertations were defended. Many scientific articles and teaching aids prepared jointly with U.Kh.Akromov’s students and colleagues serve for students.

By the order of the Institute dated July 21, 2013, № 553, the department was divided into two departments: “Pharmaceutical business organization and pharmaceutical technology” and “Pharmacognosy and drugs standardization”. Nowadays the department is headed by Ph.D., associate professor Iskandarova Shokhista Fehruzovna.

The achievements of the department

At the present time, Ph.D., professor X.S. Zaynutdinov, Ph.D., associate professors A.M.Tuxtaeva, SH.T.Salyamova, H.K.Bekchanov, U.H.Usmonov, senior teacher M.Zh.Islamova work at the department of “Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Technology”.

The department approved and created work programs based on pharmaceutical, medical technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, microbiology, and toxicological chemistry lectures and practical exercises.

In order to implement the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 319 dated December 18, 2009 “On the system of advanced training and retraining of medical personnel” the level and knowledge of the system of training and retraining of pharmacists developed the program “STATE REQUIREMENTS”

Nowadays, the department can improve the qualifications of the students in the following areas:

  • “The pharmaceutical institutions economy and actual problems in pharmacy”;
  • “Topical issues of pharmaceutical practice”;
  • “Technology of drug types”;
  • “Quality control of medicines”;
  • “Technology of sterile drug preparation”;
  • Actual problems of the use of medicinal plants in pharmaceutical practice “;
  • “Specialization of Forensic Chemist Experts”;
  • “Professional development of pedagogical staff of medical colleges”;
  • Industrial Technology of Drugs.

The department works in collaboration with the Pharmacopeia Committee, Regional Departments of Health Departments and SSPE institutions, in particular: pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises through the State Joint Stock Concern “Uzpharmsanoat”; Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination, National Center for Emergency Medical Care, DVSIM.

Annually, according to the requests of the Regional Departments of Health Departments and Dori-Darmon DPC, cycles are created in the regions.

In the 2006-2011 academic year, the professors and lecturers of the department took part in the training of specialists of pharmaceutical enterprises of «O‘zfarm sanoat»



Great attention is paid to the application of computer software in the learning process. For this purpose, textbooks and electronic textbooks have been developed. The practice of distance learning is being implemented in practice.

To do this, the site “” has been created and launched. The method of Distance Education, practiced by the Faculty of Advanced Training of Pharmacists, is welcomed by the republic’s pharmacists, providing regular continuity of their qualification, and the opportunity to get acquainted with the world pharmaceutical market news through the Internet.

The listeners-pharmacists are at the lecture

May 28 – June 12, 2018 Faculty of Pharmacy Upgrading Pharmaceuticals Department offers students the Pharmacopoeials course on Pharmacognosy, “Ibn Sino and medicinal herbs and their derivatives and medicines used in folk medicine” Associate Professor Abdurakhmanova Nargiza Abdumajidovna Representatives of “Dr.Mardon” Pharmaceutical Company conducted an integrated training with the participation of Gulnora Rasulova and Toiba Akhmedova. The lecturers, assistant professors U.J.Akromov, A.M.Tukhtayeva, G.M. Ismailova and SH.Salamova participated in the competition.



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