The chair Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
Fayzieva Ziyoda Turaevna
Academic degree and title:
Head of department
Time of receipt:
Everyday (9:00-17:00)
(0 371) 256-06-54
History of the department
The professor of the department, Professor NN, opened in 1937 as a course with the subject of pharmacology physiology. Compensev and ass. Mb Sultanov was driving. From 1942 to 1948 this course was headed by Associate Professor ML Olshansky, Associate Professor RS Saodatov in 1948-1957, Associate Professor IK Komilov in 1958-1961. Since 1961 the department of independent physics has been established under the chair of physiology, and the head of the department is M.Aripov. From 1972 to 1977, associate professor M.N. He headed Makhsumov. At that time the Department of Pharmacology was formed as a separate department
Makhsumov Minhoji Nosirovich until 1994 headed the department. Makhmusumov’s services are great in the formation of the department, the teaching-methodological work, and the development of the scientific direction. Professor MNMakhsumov prepared 2 candidate dissertations, one doctoral dissertation, a number of textbooks and manuals were created in pharmacology. In 1997 the book “Pharmacology” was published, it was recognized as the best educational literature in the republic and was republished in 2006. The lectures were prepared by MNMakhumov, were filmed and taken up for the near future. Since 1990, a pharmacotherapy course has been organized at the department and the teaching of clinical pharmacy has begun. Since 1997, Pharmacokinetics has been started as a separate subject. |
Aliyev Khabibulla Ubaydullayevich From 1994 to 2010, the department was headed by Ph.D. the professor was the head. Under the guidance of professor Kh.U.Aliyev, a number of achievements in the educational and methodological and scientific activity of the department were obtained. At the department pharmaco-toxicological studies on biologically active substances and medicinal herbs have been conducted and more than 30 medicines have been approved for medical practice. Among them are “Balzami of the East”, “Fitopassit”, “Ferask”, “Mumia acil”, “Cobalt-30” and others.He has published 3 textbooks, 5 monographs, more than 400 scientific articles, and many educational-methodical manuals. Under the guidance of Professor Kh.U. Aliyev, 20 patents were obtained, 5 doctoral and 17 candidate dissertations were defended. In different years, he has contributed to the educational and methodological and scientific work of the department: M.J. Allayeva, SH.M.Muzrabekov, M. Aripov, M. M. Malikov. |
Information about the manager and achievements
Fayzieva Ziyoda Turaevna was born in 1970 in Samarkand region, Uzbek nationality.
In 1997 he graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute and received the qualification of sanitary, hygienic, epidemiologic doctor (Department №188260). Since 2002 she is a candidate of medical sciences. D.087.01.01 at the Tashkent State Medical Institute. She defended her Ph.D. dissertation on the subject “Pharmacologic research laboratory on biological active substances ” in the specialized scientific council. From 1998 to 2003 he worked at the Central Research Laboratory of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute as a senior researcher, since 2003, as an assistant of the department of pharmacology, and since 2006 he worked as a docent of the department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy.” Together with pedagogical activity, Z. T. Fayziyeva continued her scientific research on the pharmacokinetic properties of new drugs based on local raw materials. |
He published more than 50 articles in the post-dissertation period, including 1 lecture material, 19 scientific articles, 19 theses, and 3 study guides. Authored 1 patent. Hypoglycemicheskoe sredstvo. (Serial No. IDP 20010873. Aminov S.N. Saliyeva L. M. Aliev, X.U. Fayziyeva Z.T.). In 2011, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme “Pharmacology biological active substances , excreted from STEVIA REBAUDIANA B., RHODIOLA SEMENOVII A, HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS L.” in TTA D.01.01 Specialized Council. Scientific adviser, doctor of medical sciences, professor ZZ Hakimov. On May 31, 2012, according to the Decree 187/1 of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Z.T.Fayzieva was awarded a doctorate in medical sciences.
During the doctoral dissertation, Z. T. Fayziyeva designed for the use of the 2nd type diabetes mellitus and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs obtained on the basis of Stevia, Hernia, Roddiola.
- T. Fayzieva’s works in 2004-2006 were published in collections of the XI-XIII Russian National Congress “Chelovek i lekarstvo” in Moscow.
In 2009 Z.T.Fayzieva’s article titled “Vilyanie glycorrhasulina na biokimicheskie pokazateli krovi pri alloksanovom diabete” was published in the magazine “Problem of endocrinology” in Moscow.
In 2010, Z. T. Fayzieva’s article entitled “Influence of glycorraminulin on the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism in alloxane diabetes” and “Effect of garlspin and glicoinuvit tablets on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in alloxane diabetes” were published in the Medical and Health Science Journal of the Czech Republic.
She has participated in scientific-practical conference “Science in the modern information society V”, which took place in 2015 in the USA. In 2016 Z. T. Fayziyeva’s scientific articles were published in the Cambridge Journal of Education and Science, published by the Cambridge University in the UK.
Moreover, Z. T. Fayzieva’s research findings are included in a series of scientific conferences held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Armenia, Ukraine and Turkey. Author of 2 monographs.
At the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute students are giving lectures.
Z.T.Fayzieva is a member of the Coordination Council on Pharmacy and Pharmacology under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy, Scientific Seminar on Scientific Degree Doctoral Degree on Science 16.07.2013.
Kafedra achievements so far
Z.T.Under the leadership of Fayziyeva, a number of achievements have been achieved in the field of introduction of advanced pedagogical and information technologies into the educational process, cooperation with foreign and leading scientific institutions of our republic. Kafedrada continues scientific work in 2 directions:
Study of the pharmacology of BAMS from plants and preparations created on their basis
Study of microelement and chemical preservative Bam pharmacology.
State grants, honorary titles, achievements in the Republican and international activities have intensified the activity of professors and teachers. The educational process was enriched by kafedra’s library, electronic database, especially practical laboratory activities. The tradition of carrying out theoretical knowledge with experimental studies, anthropometric examinations, animated-virtual presentations was introduced into the educational process. Lectures went into 100% pre-presentation form and practice classes were linked to a full-fledged lab eki animation program.
Mudiri Fayziyeva Z. of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology.T during its activities in cooperation with the clinical base, one of the most significant issues in the field of clinical pharmacological education is the development of the decree with the aim of increasing the clinical knowledge and level of students of the direction of “Clinical Pharmacology”. Professors and teachers of the bundaïra base actively participate in scientific and practical conferences on the topical issues of Medicine and pharmacology-rational pharmacology, phytotechnology, Clinical Pharmacology and pharmacology. With the practical assistance of the rector of our institute and the vice-rector for educational affairs of the institute, the ever-developing clinical base of our institute contributes to the development of pedagogical and clinical practice of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.
Kafed more information about the team
Today, 31 professors and teachers and employees are working in the field of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. In total, there are 5 departments in the structure of the University. They are: Department of” Pharmacology“, kafedra” clinical base”, Department of Physical Culture and sports, kafedra laboratory.
Department of ” Pharmacology”
Tulyaganov Rustam Tursunovich
Kafedra associate professor Tel.:(0 371) 256-06-54 Year of birth:1956-yil E-pochta: |
Tulyaganov R.T. From February 20 to February 14, 2012 he worked as a PRoR on scientific affairs of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.
Doctor of Biological Sciences., associate professor. Author of more than 140 scientific and methodical works, including 4 educational and methodical works, 1 monograph, 2 patents. With the help of Rustam Tursunovich, the Medical Biological Research Laboratory was established at the institute (since 2017, the laboratory of coordination brigms and biologically active substances pharmacotoxicological analysis ). This laboratory studies the pharmacological activity and hooliganism of orginal and generic drugs. To this day, the institute has carried out 12 scientific grant projects, 22 economic contracts. More than 20 agreements have been concluded on scientific and pedagogical cooperation with scientific research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and scientific centers of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2012-2017, 14 PhD and 3 PhD dissertations were defended at the Institute. The scientific success of the institute is 59%. . In 2012-2017, the Institute participated in the Republican fairs of innovative ideas, technologies and projects with its scientific works. In order to carry out scientific and educational work at the institute, a Scientific Center for standardization of medicines was established at the Institute, and the center was equipped with modern equipment. Undergraduates and doctoral students at the institute conduct their experiments on the dissertation work, in this center. Tulyaganov Rustam Tursunovich, along with conducting scientific work at the institute, gives lectures on the subject of Pharmacology in the framework of the decree of the Institute. He is a DSc, which provides a scientific degree at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.27.06.2017.Far.Member and scientific secretary of the Scientific Council № 32.01,State Center for expertise and standardization of medicines, medical products and medical equipment under the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan.Member of the prizdidium of the State Unitary Enterprise pharmacology. He is a member of “ethics” department under the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “Pharmacology and Pharmacology” kenash successfully completed. In 2015, Rustam Tursunovich was awarded the badge “excellence of Health”. He is humble, hardworking, principled, initiative in a difficult work, courageous, kind to his colleagues, and enjoys great respect among the staff and students of the Institute. |
Qosimov Abror Shokirovich
Kafedra associate professor Tel.:+99890 933-95-43 Year of birth:1976-yil |
1994-2001 yy.-Birinchi Toshkent Davlat tibbiyot instituti talabasi, mataxassisligi – “Davolash ishi”. 2001-2003 yy. – Birinchi Toshkent Davlat Tibbiyot instituti “Klinik farmakologiya” kafedrasi klinik ordinatori. 2003-2006 yy. – Birinchi Toshkent Davlat Tibbiyot instituti “Klinik farmakologiya” kafedrasi aspiranti. 2007-yili “Ba’zi o‘t haydovchi dori vositalarining surunkali toshsiz xoletsistit bemorlarida me’da va ichakning funksional holatiga ko‘rsatadigan ta’sirlari” mavzusida “Klinik farmakologiya”(14.00.42) ixtisosligi bo‘yicha nomzodlik dissertatsiya ishini yoqladi. 2006-2012 yy. – Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi «Klinik farmakologiya» kafedrasi assistenti. 2012-yildan Toshkent Farmatsevtika Instituti «Farmakologiya va klinik farmatsiya» kafedrasi dotsenti lavozimida ishlab kelmoqda. 2015-yil (03№007466) “Farmakologiya va klinik farmakologiya” ixtisosligi bo‘yicha dotsent ilmiy unvonini oldi. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi qoshidagi Farmakologiya va farmatsevtika Muvofiqlashtirish kengash tarkib a’zosi. Shuningdek Toshkent farmatsevtika instituti Tibbiy-biologik kengashi a’zosi. Xozirgi kungacha xammuallifligida 80 ta ish e’lon qilingan, shulardan 1 monografiya, 3 ta uslubiy, 5 ta o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanmalar, 1 patent, 51 ta ilmiy maqola va 20 ta tezis. |
Shilsova Nataliya Vasilevna
Kafedra associate professor Tel.:(0 371) 256-06-54 Year of birth:1956-yil E-pochta: |
In 1981 he graduated from Tashkent State University. 1990-1998yy.–Assistant of the Department of “Pharmacology” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, in 1991, chose the dissertation work on “pharmacology” (14.00.25). 1998-2002yy.–Senior lecturer of the Department of “Pharmacology” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, 2002-2005yy.–Associate professor of the Department “pharmacology” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, 2005-2007yy.–Associate professor of the Department of “Medical Sciences” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, 2007y.- what?v-Associate Professor of the Department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Until now, 35 scientific works have been published, and 6 educational-methodical manuals have been published. |
Umirzoqova Roxila Zokirovna
Kafedra associate professor Tel.:90 987-40-82 Year of birth::1958-yil E-pochta: |
1976-1976 century. – Andijan City 2 Maternity Home fare.
1977-1977 century. – Andijan City 2 Maternity Home akusherka. 1977-1983 century. – Student of Andijan State Medical Institute. 1983-1984 yy. – Interna of 3 Therapy Department of the clinic of Andijan State Medical Institute. 1984-1989 century.- Doctor of the Department of therapy of the clinic 3 of Andijan State Medical Institute. 1989-1993 century.- Assistant of the department “Hospital therapy and Endocrinology course” of Andijan State Medical Institute. 1996-1999 century. – Senior lecturer of the Department “preparation of general practitioners” of Andijan State Medical Institute. 1999-2001 yy.- Senior associate professor of the department “general practice doctors preparation” of Andijan State Medical Institute. 2001-2004 yy.-Doctoral student of Tashkent State Medical Institute. 2004-2006 century.-Cardiologist doctor in a society where the responsibility of” healing-light goose ” is limited. 2000-2000 century.-Novbatchi doctor of medical assistant of the medical sanitary Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2000-2019 years.- 2-Central Clinical Hospital of the medical sanitary Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan (In accordance with the decision of PP-3829 dated 03.07.2018 year.)UsageGeneral Directorate of Medicine under the President’s Office) novbatchi doctor. |
Saydaliyeva Feruza Avazxanovna
Kafedra senior teacher Tel.:(0 371) 256-06-54 Year of birth:1973-yil E-pochta: |
1996-1997 century.–Doctor of the family polyclinic 25 of Tashkent City-pediatrician. 1998-2004 yy.–Doctor-pediatrician of the 39th family polyclinic of Tashkent City. 2004-2007 century.–Assistant of the Department “Medical Sciences” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2007-2014yy.–Assistant of the Department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2014 y.- what?v.–Senior lecturer of the Department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2010-year h.v. intitut is a member of the feminine gender. To date, 4 articles (one of them is abroad), 28 theses, 8 teaching-methodical manuals, 1 reading manual. |
Usmanova Zakira Usmanovna
Kafedra associate professor Tel.:(0 371) 256-06-54 Year of birth:1965-yil E-pochta: |
In 1987 he graduated from Tashkent State University, biologist. 1987-1993 century.1993-1995-teacher of chemistry and biology in 52 schools of Tashkent region, Midachirchik district.–Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Botany, 1995-1999 yy.–A small scientific employee of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute MITL. 1999-2007yy.–Assistant of the Department of Botany, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2007-2009yy.– Senior lecturer in the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Botany, physiology and microbiology. 2009-2011 yy.–Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2011-2014 yy.–Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Department of Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. 2014-2016 century.– Assistant of the Department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. 2016-2017yy. Senior researcher of the Department of Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. Since 2017 the base doctorate PhD(3-boskich). Scientific consultant t.the f.d., Associate Professor Fayziyeva Z.T. Until now, he has published 28 scientific articles and abstracts. |
Mayliev Gayrat
Kafedra assistant The wire.: 99 847-63-30 Year of birth: 1973-th year pochta:
In 1996 he graduated from Samarkand State Medical Institute. 1996-1997 yy Karshi City Regional Maternity and children’s hospital one-year internatura utagan. 1997-2007 yy worked in the Kamashi District of Kashkadarya region. 2007-2015 yy worked at the Tashkent City Railway Station. Since September 2018 he has been working at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. |
Davronova Xilola Amanovna
Kafedra assistant Tel: 90 953-38-60 Year of birth:: 1975 yil E-pochta:
He graduated from Bukhara State Medical institute in 1998. 1998-1999 years worked as a gynecologist doctor in Gijdivan District Medical Hospital of Bukhara region. 2000-2013 at the Medical Association of Uchkuduk District of Navoi region obstetrician-gynecologist. In 2013-2014, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the 1st Polyclinic in Navoi city. 2014-2018 years in Tashkent
student at the Pharmaceutical Institute. Since 2018 he is a teacher at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. |
Nayimova Mohigul Nusratilloyevna
Kafedra assistant Tel:+998907884469 Year of birth: 1991-yil
2011-2017 yy Student Of The Tashkent Medical Academy “medical profilactics”.
.2017-2017 yy Zarafshan urban State Sanitary epidemiology control “epidemiology bulim mudiri”. 2017-2019 yy master’s degree in the direction of “Pharmacology” of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Since September 2019 he has been working as an asissaet in pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. |
Аlimdjanova Gulchehra Alievna
Kafedra assistant Tel:93 580-12-70 Year of birth 1971 –yil E-pochta
Alimdjanova G.A. In 1998 he graduated from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.
From 2000 to 2019 Year P.F.He worked in a medical college named Borovsky. From 2005 to 2016 year” nursing work ” bolim mudiri” From 2017 year to 2019 year he worked as a task manager. Since September 23, 2019 he is actively engaged in Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. |
Sultanova Rano Khakimovna Senior teacher of chairTel .: (0 371) 256-06-54 Date of Birth: 1980
In 2005 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with bachelor’s degree in the direction of Pharmacy, in 2007 he graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with a master’s degree in the direction of Clinical Pharmacy. 2007-2016 yy-assistant of the Department “Pharmacology and klnik pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, 2016y, etc.v.- Senior lecturer of the Department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. To date, the author of 1 scientific methodological manual, 6 scientific articles, 15 theses, 2 teaching methodological manuals, 1 teaching manuals. Sultanova R.H. having a higher education, in 2005 she graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with honors and in 2007 she successfully graduated from the magistracy in the specialty of the direction of Clinical Pharmacy. The total work experience is 13 years, the pedagogical work experience is 12 years. During his / her work, he / she conducts practical and lecture sessions on the subjects of pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical assistance, first aid. |
He also prepared complexes on the subjects of Pharmacology, first aid, pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacology, participated in the creation of a working program in these subjects, conducted open practical classes in these subjects on the basis of a plan.
2018-2019 year is distinguished by its pedagogical and effective application of ICT after a number of integrated lectures. Actively participates in cross-lessons.
Since the 2009 academic year, he has been conducting scientific research on the topic” pharmacology of coordinate preparations of bismuth-III”. To this day, the author of 1 monograph,1 methodological instruction, 17 theses, 3 foreign and 9 scientific articles, including 2 International articles.
Kafed our professors and teachers, associate professors and senior teachers will attend the lectures as listeners.He works as a secretary of the methodological Council of Medical Biological Sciences, as a responsible employee of his work in drawing up a schedule on the subjects to be studied, as the head of the circle “clever-pharmacologist” and is responsible for working with senior students.
To this day, TIJga in the plan has been promoted as an active participant in the management of students who have been prepared under their leadership. In addition to these, iqtidorli students took an active part in the organization of the Olympiads held in pharmacology on the scale of the Institute and took 1st place.
At the Republican Olympiad in pharmacology, R.H. Student prepared under the leadership of Sultanova
One of them. Madaminov J., who led in the 2016 school yearE. honored 1st place holder
Yorgulov J., A student who led the 2018 school yearA. honorary 2nd place,
Student Akhmedov A., who heads in 2019 academic yearR was the 1st place of Honor..
The teacher works on the shogird system, actively participates in the events held at the Institute.
According to the order of the rector of the institute, the qualification was increased from May 1 to June 29, 2017 at the network Center under the TTA for 288 hours in the direction of medical biology. The Senior Teacher of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology on ensuring the implementation of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “ on additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in the wide-ranging reforms carried out in the country”PP-3775-th of June 5, 2018, R.H. In August 2018, Sultanova received a qualification at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and research in Chandigarh, India. The qualification consists of a fast 10-day fast course, which was conducted as lectures and master classes. Currently, the knowledge and innovations received in the educational process are being applied.
Also mentioned in China is highlighting on the basis of new information on the master class on the subjects, which brings together the acquired knowledge and skills on the topic of” quality control of medicines in developing countries”.
Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to ensure more effective organization of the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus pipeline expansion project more … ”, Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on measures to further expand the participation of economic spheres and sectors in the quality of training of specialists with higher education”dated July 27, 2017 and decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on additional measures for the rapid development of the pharmaceutical network”dated February 14, 2018 № PP-3532″ and a senior teacher of the Department of Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy Sultanova R.H. They visited the seminar organized in Ankara, Turkey and got acquainted with a lot of information.
During this meeting, lectures on various topics were heard.
One of them. Regarding the opportunities created in conducting experiments for clinical researchers,
Two. according to the process of working with electronic recipes
The three. Latest processes from medical devices sales centers and sales processes
The four. Module of medical devices. About the process of working medical devices examination department.
The five. Tasks of the Department of analysis and control laboratories
The six. The process of delivery and registration of medical equipment to the market
The seven. About manufacturing and positioning process in medical equipment market
Eight. About the works of the Drug Administration Department
The 9. work of plant and auxiliary products Department.
Ten. Marketing supply order
The 11. Pharmacanadzar
The 12. Data were obtained from the work of the Department of economic evaluation and drug
Also on the days of the seminar, a visit was made to the examination laboratories and drug production enterprises for the use of medical equipment located in the city of Ankara. It was mentioned that the use of the equipment on the basis of the equipment listed in Turkey’s local factories or from Italy, Germany will lead to an increase in the quality of medicines.
Suggestions and summaries on the application of educational results
One of them. Constant communication with foreign pharmacists, along with awareness of World News, is aimed at increasing the internal aspirations of students to knowledge.
Two. To invite highly qualified pharmacists to Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute to get acquainted and exchange experience.
The three. Introduction and exchange of foreign literature.
The four. Participation in foreign grants.
The five. Improving the skills of short-term practices in the specialty of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, since the conduct of students on topics enriched with new information during the course of the course affects the level of knowledge of students.
The six. Application of knowledge gained in lectures and practical lessons for students and masters at Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.
Honored 1st place in the nomination of the best pedagogue of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and received a ticket to participate in the Republic.
In April – September 2019, they successfully completed the igliz language course at the TTA and were awarded with a certificate.
In addition, on September 17-19, within the framework of strategic cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Uzbekistan on the improvement of Higher Education, tiashkiland took part in the training seminar on the topic “introduction of innovative and entrepreneurship-oriented educational programs in higher education” and was awarded with a certificate.
They were also awarded with the badge of “excellence of health” of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Sultanova R.H. In 2019, she took part in the Nomination “Best Doctor of the year 2019” and took 1 place in the contest “Best Teacher of the year”.
Tulyaganov Rustam Tursunovich, along with conducting scientific work at the institute, gives lectures on the subject of Pharmacology in the framework of the decree of the Institute. He is a DSc, which provides a scientific degree at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.27.06.2017.Far.Member and scientific secretary of the Scientific Council № 32.01,State Center for expertise and standardization of medicines, medical products and medical equipment under the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan.Member of the prizdidium of the State Unitary Enterprise pharmacology. He is a member of “ethics” department under the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “Pharmacology and Pharmacology” kenash successfully completed.
“Clinical base”
One of the main directions of modern medicine – individual treatment in pharmacotherapy, in the principles of safe and effective treatment, the importance of the direction of “Clinical Pharmacy” is increasing.
In this regard, pedagogical activity was started from teaching the subject of “Clinical pharmacy” to the students of the direction of the decree. The methodology of this science was radically different from other clinical and, indeed, Pharmaceutical Sciences. In this regard, attention is paid to symptoms, syndromes, symptoms that occur a lot in the pharmacologist’s activity, as well as to the peculiarities of the need for rational principles in the pharmacology of drugs that are given without a prescription. For the first time in Uzbekistan, The Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was included in the training process of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical assistance, phytotechnical Sciences, which are considered to be relevant in medicine and pharmacology under pharmacology and clinical pharmacy.
Currently, the clinical base of our university is responsible for the practice of 4 subjects in the direction of Clinical Pharmacology: Internal Medicine, the basis of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, and pharmacology. The final stage students are given state privileges in these subjects.
The activity on the training of clinical pharmacists is carried out by mature specialists. They are prof. Mevlyanov I.R, prof. Daminova L.T., associate Kats P.S., Associate Professor Kasimov A.Sh.educational process treatment with clinical pharmacists students-the patient directly in the profilactic institution
Kafed the subjects to be taught:
Bachelor’s degree
One of them. Pharmacology
Two. Clinical pharmacy with the basics of pharmacokinetics
The three. Pharmaceutical help
The four. First medical care
The five. The basis of internal diseases
The six. Propedevtics of internal diseases
The seven. Clinical Pharmacology
One of them. At the time of taking the drug for a long time to eliminate intoxication, the patient was registered with a decrease in the amount of saliva, cough, memory. What kind of drug can the patient take and what measures can eliminate the emerging complications?
Two. Is it possible to prescribe local anesthetics, in their place, to give the patient an anesthetic tied to the structure efir?
The three. The patient was prescribed a substance for rinsing his mouth. After rinsing the mouth, the patient noticed a decrease in taste sensations, anemia-that is, local numbness. This substance can also be used when acute poisoning. Determine the group and group of substances prescribed to the patient.
The four. The patient was prescribed an anti-inflammatory and wound-suppressing substance to drink from 3 times a day for 10 days in gastrointestinal diseases. The substance can be prescribed in the form of powder, sachet, paste, grease. Determine the group and group of substances prescribed to the patient.
The five. A drug was administered to a patient with Psychomotor seizures and arterial pressure between the muscles, as a result of which a psychomotor fall attack was slowed down and arterial pressure decreased. The patient was given a drug of kaysi?
The six. In a patient whose asthenodepressive state and behavior activity was slowed, a course of medicamentous therapy was achieved.As a result of this, the patient’s mood was expected, Uzi was well tolerated, decreased activity of movement was reduced.
The seven. Is the patient given the drug?
Eight. The patient had pain in the abdomen, abdominal rest, abdominal wheezing, nausea, the doctor prescribed the drug to the patient to drink 1,5 g 3 times a day. After eating the medicine, the patient’s stool became dark black. What group of drugs is recommended for the patient?
The 9. The patient was prescribed a sleeping drug for huqna. In order to reduce the irritating properties of the mucous membranes of the sleeping medicine, it was prescribed in the case of a mix with the addition of a substance that is a plant product. Determine the group of substances that reduce the side effects of sleeping pills.
Ten. With the aim of providing immediate assistance to the patient who had suffered a stroke, the patient fainted after the doctor held the medicine soaked in the dock near the nostril. To drink 5-10 drops of this drug in 100ml of water as a liquefying agent, also use for rinsing the hands of insects and jarrox determine the substance of the drug.
The 11. The course of digitalization in the clinic to the patient with heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver was uttered.The patient received a special dose of digitoxin for the same course for 3 days. After that, there were fewer signs of steaming. But for 4 days the patient had nausea, vomiting,bradycardia,extrasystole.
The 12. These links to abinima?
The 13. Patients with chronic heart failure and isolated tumors are treated with the drug naperstyanka.To eliminate tumors, dixlothiazide was used.From this, the sung patient had poisoning with cardiac glycosides.
The 14. The cause of intoxication?
The 15. Unioldiniolishchoras as?
The 16. To relieve a stenocardia attack, the doctor prescribed a medicine to put the patient under the tongue. Apply this drug in the form of a pencil in myalgia, neuralgia from the surface, migraine, determine the drug substance.
The 17. In the case of a shock to the patient, the bruise of the scapula fell on the head,the patient always has a cough, there is a mine spit.What kind of drug has the property of shock, yutalga Karshi at the same time?And this is given to a patient with a large axamy when suppuration of mining in the lungs?
The 18. The doctor prescribed a local anesthetic along with other drugs to the patient who complained of pain in the area of the stomach with the purpose of taking 1 Powder 3 times a day for pain relief. Which anesthetic is prescribed?
The 19. The patient received long-term medication.One day the patient felt that his face was swollen and turned to the doctor.When the patient’s urine was examined, oxide, cylinders were found.What kind of Medicine is taken by the patient .What is the reason for such a condition?
The 20. Before the operation, which was performed on the cornea of the eye, the patient was injected with a drug applied to the eye in superficial anesthesia, in which an adrenaline solution was added to reduce the irritating properties of the cornea. Determine this anesthetic.
The 21. The patient, who was diagnosed with cowberry atony, was prescribed medication. From this, the sung came to the norm of excruciating pain in the patient, but the patient was sweating a pitcher, in which the separation of the Leech increased and frequent diarrhea was observed. The patient was prescribed a group of Candida drugs? The mechanism of irritation caused by these complications is Candida?
The 22. The patient who underwent myocardial infarction was prescribed acetylsalicylic acid.Epigastral ogric in a time-stricken sung patient, mining infected ogric appears. Why acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed.What is the cause of this side effect?
The 23. As a result of acute myocardial infarction, there was a concussion (fibrillation) of the Corinthians in the patient’s heart. At this time, it is necessary to eliminate the tremor in the AOR of the heart in order to keep the patient’s life alive. In such a case, it is necessary to use a remedy of Karshi kaysi for arrhythmia and why?
The 24. The patient’s mine pressure was lowered when the hypotensive agent was sent to the patient who had a headache, axvoli improved. But when the patient stood by the urn, suddenly the color was okarib, the head turned and fainted. And when the patient is prone to urinalysis, unpleasant symptoms appear. The patient was prescribed a group of Candida drugs? Why was the patient unconscious when he was standing by the urn? Was it possible to get lost in candies that prevent this unpleasant phenomenon?
The 25. The patient was brought to the hospital with a symptom of intoxication from the desire to choke sleeping pills.With the successful rapid relief of maxad in the case of vomiting diuretics, it is possible to quickly remove the gel-containing substance from the body?
The 26th. The patient was prescribed a corachigenic drug containing spasmolytic and broncholytic properties, which the doctor prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcer disease. But the patient complained of dry mouth, constipation, inability to draw a close at the end of treatment. What kind of drug group was prescribed by the doctor?
The 27. A patient with acute bronchopneumonia was given penicillin with an injection dose of 500.000 TB per day for 4 hours. During the first 3 days of treatment did not yield: body temperature remained high, cough and malaise did not decrease. What is associated with the fact that penicillin does not yield? What should be used to achieve the effect in the treatment of the patient?
The 28th. The doctor prescribed to the patient a medicine containing a laxative, which is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of glaucoma. The medicine can be smeared with a solution, grease, if the film Carpet uses a facet surface. The doctor prescribed Candida medicine?
The 29. A patient with rheumatic polyarthritis was prescribed bitsillin when the disease recurs. Suddenly, after the injection, symptoms of respiratory failure, heart rate acceleration appeared, which became a state of fainting. What is the cause of these complications and what measures should be taken to eliminate them? With what medications should you continue treatment?
Thirty. For the treatment of myasthenia, the doctor prescribed a drug that is used as an antagonist of miorelaxants, which is easily excreted from the hematoencephalic Tusk, fakat parenteral is sent to the patient, which is used in the atony of the intestine and bladder. Candai drug sent?
The 31. The patient in the examination of the dentist complained of prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction and an unpleasant smell in the tooth-taken place. Which antiseptic will help the patient the following: ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate?
The 32. A patient with a contaminated wound in the shoulder area was prescribed medical treatment with a 3% solution of protargol. After a certain time, the wound was cleansed, but the wound had a long run and for a long time irritated the patient. Why did the wound end slowly? How should the doctor treat the above condition in order to stop it?
The 33. The doctor sent the medicine to the patient before the surgical procedure. The effect of the drug lasted about 40 minutes, but the arterial pressure of the patient fell sharply and bronchospasm began. The doctor sent the drug again to the patient and lost weight, eliminating the undesirable effects. Identify the group of drugs that are sent to the patient before and after.
The 34th. A patient with MNS si excitation was brought to the hospital in an ambulance. After a while, the excitation was replaced by a decrease, cardiac activity was slowed down, a/B decreased and a violation of the excretory function of the kidney was manifested. The doctor drew attention to the patient’s complaints about the metal taste in the mouth. From the Anamnesis of the patient it became known that he was in contact with the metal, which fell into the skin of the hands several times from the surface of the profession. With what metal is the patient poisoned and what are the measures to help him?
The 35. A drug was prescribed to a patient who had a sore throat with nausea. When this drug was used uzak vakt came to the norm of the patient’s A/B, but when the patient examined bulib sulak divorce patient appeared ogrik in oshkozon soil in which the disease of oshkozon ulcer was diagnosed. The patient was prescribed a candida drug? Why does the patient experience these complications? When the patient was prescribed Candida drugs, these complications did not arise?
The 36. The doctor sent the patient a drop of medicine to the vein in the karshi to the collaps. Collapse was eliminated, but anxiety, bradycardia, insomnia came and stemmed. Kondagi did not affect the volume of kand. The patient was sent to the drug by kaysi?
Plan of lectures on the subject with the basics of pharmacokinetics of Pharmacy and clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacy for students of the direction of vocational education
Practical training plan on the subject with the basics of pharmacokinetics of clinical pharmacy for students of the direction of Pharmacy and clinical pharmacy
A two week intensive training program dedicated to the latest trends and challenges in the regulation and standardization of medicines and medicines in India by senior lecturer of the Department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacy Sultanova Rana Hakimovna
From 6-16 August Sultanova R. H. visited (NIPER) national Institute of pharmaceutical education and research in India.
September 2018-th year: the following works were carried out by the professors and teachers of the Department of Famakology and clinical pharmacy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute on the direction of spiritual and educational work during September:
On the basis of the approved plan of spiritual and educational work for 2018-2019 academic year developed by the spiritual and Educational Department of the institute, the plan of spiritual and educational work “Department of Famakology and clinical pharmacy” was developed and approved.
On the basis of the approved plan of spiritual and educational work for 2018-2019 academic year developed by the spiritual and Educational Department of the institute, the plan of spiritual and educational work “Department of Famakology and clinical pharmacy” was developed and approved..
In order to organize full – fledged implementation of the tasks assigned in the decrees, decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of ministers, decisions, orders and modems of the Council of Ministers in the spiritual and educational sphere of the” Department of famakology and clinical pharmacy ” Umirzakova Roxila Zakirovna was established.
Today, 31 professors and teachers and employees are working in the field of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. In total, there are 5 departments in the structure of the University. They are: Department of” Pharmacology“, kafedra” clinical base”, Department of Physical Culture and sports, kafedra laboratory.
- In addition, within the framework of educational hours, meetings with group teachers were organized and the students’ requirements were widely covered. Students of the “Higher Education Institutions Ethical Rules”, recommended by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, “Healthy Deontology and Culture of Students” recommended by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education to carry out extensive explanatory work. Carrying out awareness-raising activities aimed at preventing the students from complying with the ethical standards and conducting explanatory work on the students’ data collection. Monitoring compliance with the rules, discussing the results and taking necessary measures. wide explanatory work was carried out among students. All the coaches of the department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” took an active part. On 27.09.2018 by the faculty of “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” on the basis of the curriculum issued by the department of spirituality and comfort, in all curriculum groups, “Patriotism begins with the study of history of the country” historical places), “Our memories of the ancestors” (historical monuments) were organized and acquainted with the theme “Who was yesterday? Who were we today?” (constructions constructed during the years of independence). During the implementation of these measures, all the coaches of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy actively participated.
- On October 10-15, organized by the Spirituality Department of the Institute, all the coaches of the department took an active part in the event dedicated to the I.A.Karimova’s visit to the University. On the basis of the 21st point of the Spiritual-educational and educational work of the Department of “Famagology and Clinical Pharmacy” of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Institute conducts spiritual-enlightenment activities, advocacy campaigns on various subjects throughout the academic year Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Fayziyeva ZT, senior teachers of the department Saydalieva FA and Sultanova R. H., who delivered a report on “Anemia and Prevention Measures”. The late president was acquainted with the streets around IARarimov’s large houses and schools, historical sites and the height of the ancient azan, and students were given information. 1.Farmacy faculty members of the department “Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy” B.Tulyaganov and R.Sulltanova participated in the subject “Emergency medical care”.
During the lesson practical workshops were held:
2.Farmacy faculty is responsible for organizing spiritual-enlightenment activities, advocacy campaigns on various topics during the academic year at the campus of the Institute on the basis of the 21st paragraph of the Spiritual-educational and educational work of the department “Famagology and Clinical Pharmacy” In order to carry out the work of the department, the professors and teachers of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy examined the sanitary and hygienic status of the SCC and interviewed on “Preventive measures against influenza”.
- January 2018: 1. The Faculty of Pharmacology, instructs students to study their problems at the rector’s office in 2017-2018 in order to provide information On the other hand, it was a good idea to have them and their problems were studied.The Faculty of Pharmacy was organized by the Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy on 5.02.2018. Interviewed by the “Uzbekistan-24” terad radio.The above mentioned protocols are kept at the department.