The marathon “Healthy lifestyle”

05.03.2019, 17:41 Institute news, News 1852

A lot of works are being carried out in our country to raise healthy youth, protect the health of mothers and children, and preserve the gene pool of the population. Raising a healthy generation is the foundation of a happy life and creating the foundation of a great power. To date, all conditions have been created for all young people. Sports meetings, events, marathons are also held. March 3, 2019 among the women of the Mirabad district, was held a sports marathon called “Healthy lifestyle”. In cooperation with the Mahalla Committee Oybek, 15 girls living in a student dormitory of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute participated in this marathon. The marathon was organized at the highest level in cooperation with the institute tutor N.E.Yusupova and the chair of the women’s committee of the institute B.Kh.Boltayeva.



Press Secretary of the Institute N.L.Usmanova