Seminar-training is an effective way of cooperation

09.01.2021, 00:33 News 918

Seminar-training is an effective way of cooperation

On January 6, 2021, a pedagogical council was held in secondary school No. 319 of the Yakkasarsky district of Tashkent on the eve of the 3rd quarter. The Council considered issues of cooperation between the school and the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature. After the meeting, senior lecturer of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature A. Abdullaeva, S. Shukurjanova and teachers Z. Khudoyarov held a training seminar on the topic “Using effective methods and means in the development of speech of schoolchildren.” Teachers of foreign languages of the school got acquainted with new methods and technologies of teaching. The seminar was attended by the school management and the head of the department of Uzbek language and literature, Associate Professor S.M. Tuychieva.

The head of the department is S.M.Tuychieva