A presentation was held in the hostel of the institute on the topic “Causes of coronavirus infection, factors of their spread”.

14.03.2020, 08:44 Spiritual and educational activities 1905

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 29, 2020 No. F-5537 “On the establishment of a special commission to prepare a program of measures to prevent the spread and spread of new types of coronaviruses in the Republic of Uzbekistan” To inform all students of the institute on March 12, 2020, among the students of the institute propaganda event on the topic: “The origins of coronavirus infection, their prevalence, preventive measures.” Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy Z.A. Mamatkulov, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Tashkent Medical Academy M.F. Abdukakhkhorova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology, Tashkent Medical Academy B.Yu. Mirrahimova N.M. promotes topics. The event was attended by 60 students.