Open lecture on the topic: “Hormones. General classification. Classes of basic hormonal drugs and their use. Technology of production of hormonal drugs.”

04.03.2020, 09:19 Institute news, News 2900

February 27, 2020, at 8:30 at the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy, for the 3rd year of industrial pharmacy 307-A, B, 308-A, B groups an open lecture was held by the professor of the Department of Biotechnology MG Ismailova on the topic: “Hormones. General classification. Classes of basic hormonal drugs and their use. The technology of production of hormonal drugs. ” The open lecture was attended by the Head of Education Quality Control, Yunuskhodzhaeva Nodira, phd doctorant  Shermatova, assistant of the Department of Biotechnology Rashidova Nodira, assistant of the Department of Drug Technology, Jaloliddinova Muattar, deputy director of the Remedi factory Azamov Shukhrat and others. The lecture is dedicated to ped technology, handouts and videos. The open lectures were interesting and full of questions and answers.