On February 3-8, 2020, practical classes and scientific consultations were held at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

08.02.2020, 16:32 Institute news, News 1661

On the basis of PP-2909 from 04/20/2017. “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”, PP-3532 dated February 14 “On additional measures for accelerated development of the pharmaceutical industry”, and PP-3151 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017, PP-2909 “On measures for further development higher education systems ”, as well as PP-2956“ On measures for further reforming the medical education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan ”from February 3 to 8, 2020, practical classes and scientific consultations with the director of prices were held at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Trainee of Experimental Pharmacology, Saint-Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, Associate Professor Ivkin Dmitry Yuryevich.




Head of the Department of Pharmacology