“The evening of Navoi poetry” at school number 260

08.02.2020, 13:40 Institute news, News 1640

On the eve of the birthday of the great poet Alisher Navoi on February 7, 2020, an evening of Navoi poetry was held at the 260th secondary school. The school has been collaborating with the Department of Languages ​​of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute for several years. At the evening, high school students presented beautiful and substantial extracts from the life and work of our great thinker and poet. At the poetry evening, the head of the Department of Languages, Associate Professor S.M. Tuychieva, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor G.A. Juraeva, senior lecturer S.A. Shukurdzhanova.At the end of the event, the head of the department of languages, associate professor Tuychieva S.M. presented a collection of selected works of Alisher Navoi in Russian at the school’s IRC.



Department of Languages