Winners of the most active student of the year competition in the field of innovation.

05.02.2020, 13:04 Institute news, News 1776

  1. A 1st-year master’s student, Nazarkulov Mirsodik, was awarded a 1st-degree Diploma and a cash prize of 1.5 times the minimum wage (304,095 Soums).
  2. A 1st-year student of the master’s program, faizullayeva shakhodat, was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree and a monetary award in the amount of 1.5 minimum wages (304,095 Soums).
  3. A 2-year master’s student, Jalilova Diyora, was awarded a 3rd-degree diploma and a cash prize of 1.5 times the minimum wage (304,095 Soums).

Department of Magistracy