A visit to school No. 231 of the Yashnabad district of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines
Senior Lecturer, Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines I.M. Iminova and assistants Sharofutdinova D.T. and Vakhidova N.M. visited school number 231 of the Yashnabad district. During the visit, Associate Professor Iminova I.M. held a master class on the topic “Using innovative ICT technologies using modern ICT applications”. During the master class Iminova I.M. must possess the following qualities helping the educator and the responsible person fulfill their duties: a deeper and wider understanding of the world and the system of human knowledge; the introduction of computer training and other technical training tools in the educational process; have an understanding of the Internet and an in-depth analysis of the content of information technology and be able to analyze the effectiveness of pedagogical work. Assistant of the Department N.M. Vakhidova carried out campaign work on the topic: “The homeland is as holy as the temple.” During the conversation, he emphasized the role of family, mahalla and parents in educating young people as reliable heirs of the country