A visit to the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute by teachers and pupils of secondary school № 254 of the Shaykhantohur district of Tashkent

24.01.2020, 16:46 Institute news, News 1713

An event on the topic “Knowledge is the key to humanism.” was held at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with pupils of grade 9 of secondary school № 254 of the Shaykhantokhur district of Tashkent. The event was opened by opening remarks by the head of the chair of analytical chemistry, docent M. Fatkhullaeva. The meeting was attended by leading scientists: professor of the chair technology of dosage forms – Z.A. Nazarova, professor of the chair of pharmaceutical chemistry K.A. Ubaidullaev and professor of the chair of inorganic, physical and colloid chemistry – professor H.R. Tukhtaev. After the event, a master class was held with pupils in the chair of analytical chemistry. After the event, with pupils of school № 254 was held a master class on the topic: Instrumental methods of analysis at the chair of Analytical chemistry.


Department of Analytical Chemistry