On December 12, 2019 in the big hall of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was held the Day of the Chair of Inorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry on the topic “The role of Ogahiy’s creature in the youth education ” and “Formation of reading culture among youth” for the students of dormitory.

16.12.2019, 11:42 Institute news, News 1922

The event was attended by famous poets and writers, members of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan – Ahtamkul Karim and Shodmonkul Salom. The event was opened by greetings of the Vice-rector on educational work of the institute, prof. Z. Yuldashev. Then the poets Akhtamkul Karim and Shodmonkul Salom have spoke about the ghazals of  Ogahiy, about their writings, about the life of writers, poetry, culture of love and reading of the book.

At the end of the event, teaching staff and students asked questions, which they were interested  and participated active in the discussion.