Analysis of drugs of the hormone group.

27.11.2019, 14:40 Institute news, News 1781

On November 21, 2019 at 13:30 in audience 133, an open lecture was held for students of the 3rd stream of the Faculty of Continuing Education and Retraining of Pharmacists, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Standardization of Medicines G.M. Ismoilova on the topic “Analysis of drugs of the group of hormones“

Associate professors D.O. Rakhimova, Z. E. Sidametova, B. Sultonov, senior lecturer. Rustamov and others

Associate Professor of the Department of Standardization and Quality Management of Medicines D.T. Gaibnazarov

Associate Professor Rakhimov B.

The lecture consisted of an introduction, the main part and the final part, which contained information on the classification of hormonal drugs, methods of preparation, analysis, use and storage.



Department of Pharmacognosy and Standardization of Medicines