There was an open lecture by G.M. Ikramova on “The theoretical principles of commodity science” on the subject Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science

25.10.2019, 17:14 Institute news, News 1544

Assistant-professor of the Department for the Organization of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Guzal Makhamadjanovna Ikramova organized an open lecture on the subject Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science, on the theme “The theoretical principles of commodity science” The open lecture took place on October 23, 2019 12:00-13: 20 in 210 classroom for fifth-year students (501 A; 502 A; 501 B; 502B ).

Associate professors of the Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs Z.Sh. Khidoyatova, Suyunov N.D.; Teachers: N. A. Sodikova, M.N.Ziyayeva; assistants: M.T. Azimova,  I.I.Urunova, N.A.Azimova were attended the open lecture as an observer.

Pharmacy  faculty Department for the Organization of pharmaceutical affairs