Rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute professor I.A.Alimdjanov, head of the department of technology for dosage forms professor Y.S.Karieva, head of the educational and methodological department N.A.Abzalova on November 6-8, 2019, visited St. Petersburg State University of Chemical and Pharmaceuticals

14.11.2019, 21:48 Institute news, News 2184

On November 6, 2019, in St. Petersburg, the grand opening of the POLISAN scientific and technological center took place. The opening ceremony was attended by the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Yevgeny Yelin, chairman of the committee for industrial policy, innovation and trade of St. Petersburg Yuri Kalabin, general director of «NTFF POLISAN LLC» Alexander Borisov, director of science of «NTFF POLISAN LLC» Alexey Kovalenko, rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Chemical and Pharmaceutical I.A.Narkevich, rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute I.A.Alimdjanov and leading specialists in the pharmaceutical industry. The new 6-story building of the STC consists of three functional units: laboratory, technological and stability center, while providing 150 jobs for graduates of SPCFU.

On November 7, 2019, the IX-th International partnership forum “Life sciences invest. Partnering Russia. ” members of the TashFarmi delegation made oral presentations at the thematic session “Innovations in Pharmacy” and received certificates.

November 8, 2019 I.I.Alimdjanov, Y.S.Karieva and N.A.Abzalova took part in the plenary meeting dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the St. Petersburg State University of Chemical and Pharmaceuticals. The anniversary date was marked at the State Academic Chapel by an extended meeting of the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University of Chemical and Pharmaceuticals. The first persons of the country took part in the celebrations: Chairman of the Federation Council, representative of the upper house of parliament from the executive body of state power of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexei Besprozvanny, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Semenova and other officials.

In pursuance of the agreements approved by the above persons between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Memorandum of  Understanding signed in 2018 between TashFarmi and SPFCU, an additional agreement on the establishment of an international joint master’s project was discussed, approved and prepared for approval.