Suyunov N.D. has given a lecture on “Labor and salary accounting” in pharmaceutical business and pharmacy economy.

30.10.2019, 15:41 Institute news, News 1850

Professor of the Department for the Organization of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Suyunov Nizom Davurovich organized an open lecture on the subject of the organization of pharmaceutical affairs and the economics of pharmacies on the theme : “Labor and wages.” The events took place on October 25, 2019 10:00-11: 20 in 210 classroom for fourth-year students (405 A; 406 A; 405 B; 406B ).

The following lecturer was attended by: associate professors of the Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs Z.Sh. Khidoyatova, G.M. Ikramova; Teachers: N. A. Sodikova; assistants: M.T. Azimova, N. Kh. Razhabova, N.A. Azimova and others.


Pharmacy  faculty Department for the Organization of pharmaceutical