Holding an event of the department “Technologies of drug types” to the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Uzbek language

23.10.2019, 17:26 Institute news, News 1754

  On October 22, 2019, the department held an event on the five initiatives of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev aimed at  increasing the meaningful and significant leisure of youth. To provide on the first initiative: music, theater, literature and art, a spiritual and educational holiday was organized with 2nd year students of the 209th group of the “Pharmacy” faculty. The event was opened by Zh.Abdullayev, candidate of philological sciences. And also N. Ashurova responsible for spiritual and enlightenment affairs of youth, and teachers of the department “Technology of medicinal forms” Yo.S. Kariyeva, Z.A.Nazarova, G.M.Tureyeva, N.S.Fayzullaeva, N.M.Rizayeva, F.A.Umarova, I.Sh.Sharipova, N.X.Aripova, N.Sh.Radjapova, M.A. Tashmukhamedova, N.X.Toshpulatova, F.X.Maksudova, N.S.Abduxalilova, U.M.Jalilov, A.S.Normurodov, M.M. Mukhammadiyeva, Z.U. Mamatkulov.




Department of TDT