Professors and teachers of the department “Technology of medicinal forms” took an active part in the opening of 5 initiative festivals and a new sports ground.

17.10.2019, 16:37 Institute news, News 1693

On October 16, 2019 the Institute carried out a series of 5 important initiatives to enhance meaningful and meaningful leisure of young people. In order to provide the Institute, an exhibition of handicrafts and a spiritual and educational festival was organized.

Various competitions and contests were held among the students in each of the 5 major initiatives. After the reconstruction of the Institute, a new sports ground was opened for the students, along with the 5th Festival of Initiatives, the opening of the new sports ground.

The teachers of the department “Technology of medicinal forms” Yo.S. Kariyeva, Z.A.Nazarova, G.M.Tureyeva, N.S.Fayzullaeva, N.M.Rizayeva, F.A.Umarova, I.Sh.Sharipova, N.X.Aripova, N.Sh.Radjapova, M.A. Tashmukhamedova, N.X.Toshpulatova, F.X.Maksudova, N.S.Abduxalilova, U.M.Jalilov, A.S.Normurodov, M.M. Mukhammadiyeva have participated.



Department technology of medicinal forms