Open laboratory lesson of the assistant of the chair of analytical chemistry G.U. Pulatova on the topic: “Analytical reactions of group iv cations: Al3+, Zn2+ , Cr3+ ”

17.10.2019, 16:21 Institute news, News 1641

In 2019, October 14, an open laboratory lesson was held on the topic: “Analytical reactions of group IV cations: Al3+, Zn2+ , Cr3+.” for students of  201 “A”  group of the 2nd course of direction of professional education of the Faculty of  Pharmacy by G.U. Pulatova the assistant of the chair of analytical chemistry. The lesson was attended by the chief specialist of the department for quality control of education N.T. Zokirova,  methodologist of the educational department G. Dzhalilova and professor assistants of the chair.



Department of Analytical Chemistry