The participation of teachers of the Department of Pharmacognosy in the international scientific-practical conference “Modern aspects of medicine and pharmacy: education, science and practice”, dedicated to the 40-th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

14.10.2019, 15:28 Institute news, News 2029

According to the order of TashFarmi for No. 44 dated 09.30.2019, teachers of the department of pharmacognosy, associate professors M.А.Khodzhaeva, N.T. Farmanova and senior teacher Sh.R.Khalilova were sent to Shymkent to participate in the international scientific-practical conference “Modern aspects of medicine and pharmacy: education, science and practice”, dedicated to the 40-th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, which took place on October 11-12, 2019.

The conference was attended by Vice Minister of Health of Kazakhstan Abishev Olzhas Amangeldievich, akim of Shymkent Aytakhanov Erlan Kuanyshevich, akim of Turkestan region Shukeev Umirzak Estaevich, leading scientists from the UK, USA, Turkey, Poland, Germany, Iran, Czech Republic, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, heads of medical universities and research organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, educational and health organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The agenda of the event discussed current issues of modern neurology, microbiology, bio-engineering, regenerative medicine, clinical medicine, biotechnology, pharmacognostic and phytochemical studies of medicinal plants, ensuring the quality and safety of medicines, pharmaceutical technology, new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, modernization Nursing, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, and others.

Teachers of the department got acquainted with the curriculum, the educational process and scientific work, as well as the activities of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Academy.









Department of Pharmacognosy