(Uzbek) E’lon! A.A.Nurmuhamedovning Ekologiya fanidan “Biotsenoz va ekosistemalar haqida ta’limot” mavzusida ochiq ma’ruzasi bo‘lib o‘tadi.

08.10.2019, 11:59 Announcements, Без рубрики 2261


We invite you to an open lesson on October 9th 2019 at 10 in 311 classroom of the 2nd academic building (3rd floor) will be open lecture by the assistant professor of the department of biomedical disciplines A.A.Nurmukhamedov for 1st year students of the 2nd course of F-103AB F-104AB groups Faculty of Pharmacy in discipline of Ecology on the” Biocenosis and ecosystems”.


Department of Biomedical disciplines