(Uzbek) E`LON! N. A. Abdullabekovaninig“Distillyatdagi uchuvchi moddalardan farmaldegid, atseton, sirka kislotasi va fenolni tahlil qilish” mavzusi bo`yicha ochiq laboratoriya mashg`uloti o`tkaziladi.
AD! An open laboratory lesson is held by N. A. Abdullabekova on the topic: “Analysis of the distillate for the presence of formaldehyde, acetone, acetic acid and phenol from volatile compounds”
10/02/2019 at 8.00 a.m. An open laboratory lesson on toxicological chemistry of the assistant of the Department of Toxicological Chemistry N.A. Abdullabekova on the topic: “Analysis of the distillate for the presence of volatile compounds of formaldehyde, acetone, acetic acid and phenol” will be held in 124 cabinet of the laboratory for 4-year students of the 405 B group of the Faculty of Pharmacy