Visit of the head of the department of Analytical chemistry of  Saint Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, docent G.M. Alekseeva to the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

27.09.2019, 15:50 Institute news, News 2031

Head of the department of Analytical chemistry of  Saint Petersburg State ChemicalPharmaceutical University, docent G.M.Alekseeva visited the department of Analytical chemistry of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. During a visit to the department G.M. Alekseeva talked to the head of the department, docent  M. Fatkhullayeva and professor A.A.Shabilalov. Docent G.M. Alekseeva gave lectures and laboratory classes (36 academic hours) for 2nd year students in the educational field of Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy.




Department of Analytical Chemistry