Announcement! Congratulations

21.09.2019, 14:15 Announcements 2226

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 5. 1993 № UP-555 “On measures to encourage students of young people of Uzbekistan”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of  Uzbekistan dated October 13. 2008 № 226 “On awarding and encouraging talented youth of  Uzbekistan”, as well as protocol the admission committee on state scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, formed in accordance with the order № 806 of the Cabinet of Ministers of September 09. 2019. dated September 20. 2019. the following students became winners of State scholarships Uzbekistan

Jalilova Umida Asqarali qizi

State Fellow

scholarships of the name of Islam Karimov






Narzullaeva Kamola Shavkatovna

State Fellow

scholarships named “Ibn Sino”