At the “School of doctoral students” at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the performance of applicants for basic doctoral (Phd), doctoral degrees (DSc) and independent researchers in higher education institutions was monitored.

19.09.2019, 16:15 Institute news, News 1641

In order to implement the Regulation on quarterly monitoring of the implementation of the plan of individual requirements approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 572 dated June 26, 2019 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 2017 No. 304 “On measures to further improve the system of postgraduate education “In accordance with paragraph 52 of the Regulation, the activities of doctoral students (PhD), doctoral students (DSc) and independent researchers studying in the School of octorants ”at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. Monitoring was carried out by the rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, professor I.A. Alimjanov, vice-rector for science and innovation, Dr. N.S. Normakhamatov, as well as the head of the department of scientific research, innovation and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel M.T. Mullajonova. Doctoral students (PhD), (DSc) and independent researchers were individually interviewed, their research plans, published articles, and expected results were discussed.