Announcement! N .M. Rizaeva on the topic “Emulsion as a medicinal form. The concept of emulsifiers. HLB indicator. Factors affecting the stability of emulsions”.

17.09.2019, 15:51 Announcements 1981

18.09.2019 at 10.00 o’clock in 158 lecture hall for 3th year students of the 301 a, 301 b and 302 a groups (1 stream) on the subject “Technology of dosage forms” an open lecture will be held by an assistant professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Form Technology N .M. Rizaeva on the topic “Emulsion as a medicinal form. The concept of emulsifiers. HLB indicator. Factors affecting the stability of emulsions”. Everyone is invited. 

Department Technology of Medicinal Form