“Meeting with a young specialist”

17.09.2019, 15:42 Institute news, News 2000

On September 16, 2019, the meeting was held with a technology consultant from “Farmformat” Ahrorhoja Bahodirhojaevich by the initiative of the Languages ​​Chair at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute for motivating the first-year students’ interest to their profession and English language. The meeting was attended by the teachers of the Languages ​​Chair and over a hundred 1st year students.

During the meeting, young and experienced specialist  Yunuskhodjaev Ahrorhodja spoke about the role and development of industrial pharmacy in our country, about his experience which was gained by working at the pharmaceutical industries and participating in international conferences of a number of countries such as Egypt, Spain, China, Russia,  and shared the news and gave the students interesting information about their profession.

Students received answers to all their questions. The meeting was very informative and fruitful.