Meeting with a specialist at the Department of Biotechnology

12.09.2019, 15:53 Institute news, News 1982

In order to plan the specialty direction at the Department of Biotechnology on September 12, 2019, a meeting was held with senior researchers at the Institute of Plant Chemistry named after Academician S.Yu.Yunusov Doctor of Technical Sciences R.M.Khalilov. The meeting was attended by the head of the teaching department, senior lecturer N.A. Abzalova, Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Associate Professor Z.T. Zairova, teachers of the department and 1,2,3-year students in the field of biotechnology and industrial pharmacy.

At the meeting, Doctor of Technical Sciences R.M.Khalilov informed students about the results of scientific research and the achievements of the Institute of Plant Chemistry named after S.Yu.Yunusova. Khalilov also spoke about his research and achievements in the field of modern biotechnology and answered questions from interested students and attendees.





Department of Biotechnology