“Spiritual and educational bases of prevention and fight against corruption in educational institutions”

12.07.2019, 19:15 Institute news, News 2127

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2019 № up-5729 “On measures to further improve the system of combating corruption in the Republic of Uzbekistan” on the basis of the analysis of corruption risks, in order to implement targeted measures to inform and raise awareness of the General population, timely detection, suppression of corruption offenses, elimination of the causes, conditions and consequences that contribute to their Commission, as well as to improve the efficiency, in order to ensure the principle of inevitability of responsibility for corruption offenses, the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 12, 2019 at 14:00 in the small Assembly hall of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute held a conversation at the “round table” between the teaching staff of the Institute on the theme: “Spiritual and educational foundations of prevention and fight against corruption in educational institutions.” The event was opened by the rector of the Institute Alimjanov Ibrohim inamovich with opening remarks. The event was attended by Vice-rector for educational work Yuldashev Zokirjon Abidovich, senior staff and teaching staff of the Institute, also participated and made a speech the Chairman Of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis on judicial and legal issues and the fight against corruption B.J.Matmurodov, Prosecutor of the Office for the fight against corruption of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.S.Mamanov, head of the Department of spiritual and moral education of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.X.Bazarov, head of the Department of the center of spirituality and education at the Ministry of higher and secondary special education H.Eshov.

One of the causes that negatively affect the development of all countries of the world is corruption. Corruption is the abuse by officials of their position, public officials of their duties, the mediation of abuse of authority against members of the criminal world. Also, everyone knows that corruption and bribery is a force that absorbs the state from the inside, emphasizing that today this type of crime is a global problem.

It is planned to cover the event on the TV and radio channel ”Yoshlar”.




Press Secretary of the Institute N.L.Usmanova