“You’re the one, the sacred Motherland!”

10.06.2019, 16:04 News 3239

In order to create in the hearts of the younger generation such noble feelings as the glorification of Uzbekistan, keeping it as the Apple of the eye, protection and elevation of honor, dedication in the name of this high goal, stimulating the creation of deep, artistically Mature songs filled with a sense of devotion to the Motherland, involvement in its fate, as well as turning them into the spiritual property of our people, for all of us-this is a sacred place where we live in love was organized a Republican contest “You are the only, the sacred Motherland!”.

For the purpose of performance of the tasks defined by the resolution PP-1091 of April 7, 2009 “About carrying out competition “You are the one, the sacred Motherland!”, as well as pursuant to the order of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 364 dated April 20, 2019, June 10, 2019 at 10.00 provided participation of students of the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute . The competition was held at the Tashkent financial Institute. It was attended by the 5th year student of the faculty of Pharmacy of Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute Pulatov Rustam and was awarded with diploma.