Assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry K.Sh.Mukhitdinova held an open laboratory lesson on the theme “Analysis of pharmaceutical substances belonging to the group of isoalloxazine”

06.06.2019, 15:37 Institute news, News 2127

The introduction into practice of the ideas of the law “On education” and “National training program” depends on the successful reform carried out in the education system of the Republic, the moral image and professional skills of teachers, educators, craftsmen working in educational institutions. A teacher working in higher and professional educational institutions should be able to organize forms of education at the optimal level, to enrich the theory of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality with various new ideas.

May 29, 2019 assistant of the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry K.Sh. Mukhitdinova held an open laboratory lesson for students of 3rd year 305 B group on theme “Analysis of pharmaceutical substances belonging to the group of isoalloxazine”  with using of modern information and pedagogical technologies.


Staff of the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry